Saratov region nature reserves on air on September 29 – October 4, 2020
It is planned to leave from 29.09.2020 to 04.10.2020 radio amateurs RX4D/P and RX4CA/P in the framework of the regional program “Natural Reserves of Saratov region”. The Reserve “Old-aged oaks in the valleys of the Medveditsa and Karamysh rivers” Reference NR 37-51 RDA SA37. As well as in the village of Barsuchiy in the reserve “Giant Oaks” Reference NR37-48 RDA SA37. QTH – locator LO-21 MH.
Types of radiation SSB and FT4-FT8
Ranges 3.5 – 28 MHz.
This is a good opportunity to work on new references and RDA. Keep an eye on your DX cluster. See you on the air.
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