Days of activity of the club “knights of the sky” 12 – August 23, 2020, for the award of “Chef of the Imperial Navy”

Amateur radio club-pilots “knights of the SKY” from 12 to 23 Aug 2020 conducts days of activity dedicated to the Day of Russian aviation. The Board has established a diploma “the Chief of the Imperial Navy“, dedicated to Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich Romanov, who played a major role in creating the Russian aviation.
The Grand Duke was the initiator of the officers ‘ aviation school at Sebastopol in 1910 and became chief of the Imperial military air fleet. Participated in the First world war. December 1916 — the field General-inspector of the military air fleet under the Supreme Commander.
After the February revolution, March 21 (3 April), 1917, deprived of the title of adjutant-General in connection with the abolition of all military-court titles.
March 22 (April 4), 1917 field inspector-General of military air fleet Supreme Commander, Admiral Grand Duke Alexander was dismissed from service, on the petition, of uniform.
In exile, was the honorary Chairman of the Union of Russian military pilots, a Parisian salon, Enterprises ranks guards; participated in the activities of the Russian military Union (EMRO), was a patron of the children’s aid society of the Russian emigration, National organizations of Russian explorers (NORR) and the Russian scouts (NORS).
To earn a diploma need to score 110 points.
- For QSO with an honorary member of the club “knights of the SKY” U4MIR accrued 20 points.
- For QSOs with members of club “knights of the SKY”, being “Honorary radio operator” R4CQ, R2AKN, RA3TD accrued 15 points.
- For QSOs with members of club “knights of the SKY” is credited 10 points. (When in the air the Telegraph transmitted the abbreviation RN).
- For QSOs with Amateur radio stations of Sevastopol and Crimea – is credited 5 points.
For the above correspondents enter the multiplier for the following types of radiation:
- CW -2
- DIGI — 1,5
- SSB-1
- For QSO on 160m is 1.5
QSO with club members counts every day (in UTC). Dupes on different bands, one band – different modes.
Diploma in an electronic format free via
Hams activators club “knights of the SKY” get a diploma activator only during days of activity, with a minimum of 100 QSOs. Failure to comply with this condition in days of activism – get a diploma on the same basis.
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