Activity Days dedicated to the 6th anniversary of Bear Glade radio club establishment

The Days of activity dedicated to the 6th anniversary of the Radio Club “Bear Glade” will be held from September 29th 00:00 MSK to October 4th 23:59 MSK. Work on the air without limits on bands and types of modulation.
Everyone is invited to participate, regardless of the country of residence, amateur radio qualifications, and other nuances.
Participants “activators” can be not necessarily members of the club, the activator can become any radio amateur, we are always happy to volunteers. Obligatory condition to provide your log for the specified dates to fill the site radio club
Program of activity days dedicated to the celebration of the 6th anniversary of the radio club “Bear Glade”:
- Work on the air on TV activator bands, the competition of “hunters” in the maximum number of radio communications with the activators.
- Mobile Fun “Drive the Bears…” October 03, 2020
- Hour mini-test September 29, 2020
- Summary of HSBG program
More information on the website of the radio club “Bear Glade”.
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