Mordovia Amateur Radio Activity Days December 19-20, 2020

On December 19-20, 2020 the regional branch of the SRR will hold Amateur Radio Days in Mordovia. The main purpose of the event is to popularize SW and VHF radio communication, fulfill the conditions of amateur radio diplomas and increase amateur radio activity. The exact period of the activity days is from December 19, 00:00 MSK to 23:59 MSK on December 20, 2020.
Activity Days are held on all HF and VHF bands with any type of radiation. There is a good opportunity to fulfill the conditions of the Radio Amateurs of Mordovia diplomas.
- Diploma of III degree is awarded to applicants not residing in the Republic of Mordovia for QSOs with 10 different amateur radio stations of the Republic of Mordovia on any bands, any type of modulation.
- II-nd degree diploma is awarded to applicants who are not residing in the Republic of Mordovia for QSOs with 20 different amateur radio stations of the Republic of Mordovia on any bands and any types of modulation.
- Diploma of the I-st degree is awarded to applicants not residing in the territory of the Republic of Mordovia for QSOs with 30 different amateur radio stations of the Republic of Mordovia on any bands, any type of modulation.
The terms and conditions of the diplomas can be found on the website
Amateur radio operators from all areas of Russia, foreign amateurs, and observers are invited to participate in the Activity Days.
Reports on the radio communications are made in the form of an extract from the logbook in .adi format and sent by e-mail to
The report must contain the operator’s name and callsign. It is recommended to attach to the report a photo of the participant of the activity days, his/her equipment, and antennas used during the activity days.
All participants of the activity days who sent their reports will be marked with electronic certificates. Among the Amateur radio operators of Mordovia who sent reports will be summed up by the number of radio contacts made.
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