Results of the “Planet DIGIRADIO 2020” activity days

The results of the days of activity “Planet DIGIRADIO 2020”, which take place annually on November 3 and 4 and are dedicated to the state holiday of Russia – the Day of National Unity, has been published. Reports were sent by 73 licensed radio amateurs and 4 observers from 30 regions of Russia and 15 foreign countries. Days of activity were in the air festive noisy and friendly. On many bands, it was possible to observe signals in “exotic” fashion Contestia, Olivia, Thor. Thank you to your colleagues, who celebrated the holiday with us!
Certificates are placed on the site AWARDS CENTER OF RDRC and they were awarded to the participants of the activity, who spent more than 10 QSO. The first numbers of these diplomas are awarded for the largest number of radio communications: #1 – Alexander Kuznetsov, EU6KA 153 QSOs, #2 – Werner Rinke, DL1RI 132 QSOs, #3 – Ryszard Majewski, SP6SOZ 119 QSOs. Among SWL the diploma No. 1 at Victor Vivian R6H-212 for 84 observations. The pennant with RCRC-RDRC logos was raffled off in a lottery among the participants who are members of the Russian Digital Amateur Radio Club and conducted more than 30 QSOs. This prize was won by Nikolay Petunin, UA3GQ RCRC#590. Congratulations!
For detailed results see the final table on the Russian Digital Amateur Radio Club website.
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