Russia New Year 2021 International Marathon

On the eve of the New Year 2021, the Union of Radio Amateurs of Russia, International Amateur Radio Club “Miller-DX-Club” together with the portal “HAMLOG.RU” fifth consecutive year, an international radio marathon “Russia New Year – 2021.
- Beginning: December 25, 2020, at 0000 UTC
- Closing: January 14, 2021, at 21.00 UTC
Special call signs will be heard on all amateur bands, by all modes: RC21NY, RD21NY, RG21NY, RJ21NY, RK21NY, RL21NY, RM21NY, RN21NY, RO21NY, RQ21NY, RT21NY, RU21NY, RV21NY, RW21NY, RX21NY, RY21NY, RZ21NY, R21HNY, and also operators – members of “M-DX-C” from all Russian regions.
Callsigns RA21NY and R2021NY represent the headquarters of M-DX-C and are HQ stations.
QSL manager for all special callsigns is RQ7L.
We invite all radio amateurs of the world to take an active part in this sporting event.
During the radio marathon, for QSO/SWL with special radio stations and operators-members of “M-DX-C” can fulfill the conditions of obtaining electronic
- “New Year’s Greetings,
as well as diplomas in electronic and paper formats:
- “Hello, Wintergirl Winter!”
“Winter Paradise!”
“The New Year is rolling through Russia”
“New Year’s Russia”, 1-2-3 degrees
“Merry Christmas!”
“Old New Year.”
as well as pennants and plaques of international level:
- “Russia New Year – 2021”.
Diploma program dedicated to the radio marathon “Russia New Year – 2021
To receive a New Year’s greeting and diplomas, the following number of points are required:
- New Year’s Greetings – 5 points.
- Diploma “Hello, Winter Winter! – 20 points
- Diploma “Winter Paradise!” – 30 points
- Diploma “The New Year is Coming Through Russia” – 40 points
- The Bronze Diploma “Russia the New Year” – 45 points
- Silver Diploma “Russia Novogodnyaya” – 50 points
- Gold Diploma “Russia Novogodnaya” – 55 points
- Diploma “Christmas” – 21 points, the QSO count only for January 6-7, 2021.
- Diploma “Old New Year”. – 21 points, (QSOs counted only for January 12-14, 2021)
- Commemorative pennant “Russia New Year – 2021” – 21 points
(QSO with one of the SPS Headquarters is obligatory)
Each QSO with a special station, as well as operator-member “M-DX-C”, gives – 3 points, with Headquarters (RA21NY, R2021NY) – 5 points.
For radio amateurs from Africa, North and South America, Asia, and Oceania (except for radio amateurs from Russia and CIS countries) and also radio amateurs from the Far East (UA0C, UA0D, UA0F, UA0I, UA0J, UA0K, UA0L, UA0O, UA0Q, UA0U, UA0X, UA0Z) – points are doubled.
Repeated QSO / SWL are counted on different SW and VHF bands, and on one band by different types of radiation: CW, PHONE, DIGI (all digital types are counted for one type).
For VHF amateur radio operators ( 144 MHz and higher) one QSO/SWL gives 10 points regardless of callsign of a special station or operator who is an M-DX-C member.
Electronic diplomas are issued automatically on the website – solely on the basis of uploaded logs of special stations and members of the “MILLER-DX-CLUB”.
To receive paper versions of diplomas, as well as observers, please submit an application to RQ7L E-mail:
Requests for paper versions of diplomas, as well as for a commemorative pennant, payment, and shipping conditions, please send RQ7L to E-mail:
Conditions for receiving the “Russia New Year 2021” plaque
To get it, you must establish 8 QSO/SWL with special stations or members of the “MILLER-DX-CLUB” of all Federal Districts of Russia. One missing FO can be replaced by radio communication with stations of Headquarters RA21NY, R2021NY
For radio amateurs from Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America, Asia, and Oceania (except for radio amateurs from Russia and CIS countries) is necessary to establish – 4 QSO/SWL of the four FOs.
For hams working on VHF (144 MHz and above) to get a plaque, you must install – 1 (one) QSO / SWL with any special station.
Plaque size: 210 x 250mm.
Plaque is issued on a paid basis.
Requests, payment terms, and forwarding please send to RQ7L E-mail:
Operators SPS to obtain a diploma, pennant and plaque must hold at least – 1000 QSO
Activators, members of “MILLER-DX-CLUB” must hold – not less than 500 QSO, and operators, members of the club located in the Far East – 250 QSO
According to the results of the work of non-resident amateur radio, which will hold the greatest number of QSOs with SPS and operators-members of the club, will be awarded valuable prizes (European and Asian parts of Russia) most active amateur radio, according to the table TOP-10 portal HAMLOG.RU will be marked with pennants and diplomas from “MILLER-DX-CLUB” in electronic format.
You can see your result on the page “TOP” on the website
The top three SPSs in all Russian FDs will be awarded:
1.Winner – large plaque
2.Prize winner – small plaque
3 Winner – small plaque
Three best SPS operators in all Russian Federal Districts will be awarded:
1.Winner – commemorative plaque
2.Winner – commemorative pennant
3.Winner – commemorative pennant
Three best M-DX-C club member operators will be awarded:
1.Winner – commemorative plaque
2.Prize winner – commemorative pennant
3.The prize-winner – a commemorative pennant
Amateur radio from other towns:
(European part of Russia)
1.Winner – commemorative plaque
2.Prize winner – commemorative pennant.
3.Prize winner – commemorative pennant
(Asian part of Russia)
1.Winner – commemorative plaque
2.Prize winner – commemorative pennant
3.Prize winner – commemorative pennant.
1.Winner – commemorative plaque
2.Prize winner – commemorative pennant
3.Prize winner – commemorative pennant
Note for the activators: at least once a day to upload QSO on the portal HAMLOG.RU
Special Callsigns
Moscow and Moscow region – RC21NY
Krasnodar region – RD21NY
Moscow and Moscow region – RG21NY
Republic of Crimea – RJ21NY
Stavropol region – RK21NY
Sverdlovsk region – RL21NY
Kurgan region – RM21NY
Chelyabinsk region – RN21NY
Krasnodar region – RO21NY
Krasnoyarsk region – RQ21NY
Udmurt Republic – RT21NY
Nizhny Novgorod region – RU21NY
Kaliningrad region – RV21NY
St.Petersburg and Leningrad region – RW21NY
Primorsky region – RX21NY
Krasnodar region – RY21NY
Khabarovsk region – RZ21NY
Omsk region – R21HNY
M-DX-C /HQ – stations/Rostov region – RA21NY,R2021NY
When summing up the results, to determine the winner among nonresident amateur radio operators will be taken into account QSOs made with SPS operators, working on a general call, QSOs made using SKED, will not be counted. In case of a tie, the winner will be determined by the least number of QSOs made with SKED and duplicate QSOs.
After completion of the SKED, all calls will be loaded for autocounting RDA.
M-DX-C club council congratulates all amateur radio amateurs with the New Year, success in the upcoming marathon, and active work on the bands!
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