A new series of certificates “Emperors of Russia” Amateur Radio Club of Sochi

The club radioamateurs of Sochi named Yu. G. Sarajevo, continuing a series of award programs and to promote Amateur radio awards has released a new series of “Emperors of the Russian Empire” consisting of 14 pieces.
- Getting started: with 20.06.2020 00.00 GMT
- End: 23.59 GMT 31.12.2020
Go to offset all radio communications on all Amateur bands , all types of radiation. Repetitions are allowed on the same band, but different types of communication. For the diploma you must gain points for each diploma:
- 1 Peter – 100 points
- Catherine 1 – 160 points
- Peter 2 – 220 points
- Anna Ioannovna – 280 points
- John 6 Antonovich – 340 points
- Elizabeth – 400 points
- Peter 3 – 460 points
- Catherine 2 – 520 points
- Paul 1 – 580 points
- Alexander 1 – 640 points
- Nicholas 1 – 670 points
- Alexander 2 – 700 points
- Alexander 3 — 750 points
- Nicholas 2 – 800 points
Radio station giving points:
Collective: RO7C RV6BEM RY6AGG – 50 points
- Activators honorary members of the club: RU0SYL, RA3RPW, R2AKN, RZ7D ,R2FCN ,U4MIR ,RQ1A, RU9SO give 45 points.
- Activators club members : R6DJN, UA6CG, R7MG ,R9JR, R1WBJ ,R3FO, RD7D ,RZ6D, R6CC, R6CG ,RZ3DY, R8FF, UA3FQ, RK6AAW, RN3BR give 40 points.
- The rest of the hams: the club members and hams Sochi give 30 points.
The activators for the diploma it is necessary to hold 800 contacts.
The other hams members and hams Sochi to hold 750 QSOs. The awards are free of charge.
As you progress you can download on the website Hamlog.ru . Observers (SWL) receive diplomas on the same basis. For all questions email.email: rk6aaw@mail.ru the Club radioamateurs of Sochi named Yu. G. Sarajevo
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