Autumn Youth CQ UT Sprint 2020

September 19, 2020, from 07:00 to 08:59 UTC society Radio-TLUM Ukraine will hold an international youth radio competition on short waves “Autumn CQ UT Sprint”. The competitions will be held on the bands of 40 and 20 meters with a telephone in four rounds of 30 minutes each.
The motto of the competition: “Participation is more important than victory, friendship is more expensive than prizes”.
The aim of the competition is to popularize the youth shortwave radiosport, to strengthen friendly relations between young radio amateurs from different countries, to promote the development and improvement of their versatile cameraman, sports and technical qualities, active exchange of experience on the air, teaching politeness, diligence, and perseverance, independent reporting, and scoring improving diction and articulation, gaining teamwork skills, creating equal and objective conditions for all participants to achieve their goals.
We congratulate all boys and girls, operators of individual and collective amateur radio stations on the new amateur radio training year 2020, and invite you to take part in this competition.
We wish everyone success and see you on the air.
73! de UT5NC
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