EM5C Radio Expedition to Count Shuvalov’s Hunting Palace (Okhotnichiy castle) WCA UR-00004 25-26 September 2020

On September 25-26, 2020, as part of the diploma program “Fortresses of the World” (“WCA”) radio amateurs of the Uman region of Cherkasy region are planning a radio expedition to Talne to activate the Hunting Palace of Count Shuvalov.
From the territory of the palace on all KV bands of all types of radiation will operate a ring radio with a special call sign EM5S. Links with EM5S on September 25-26, 2020 will be set off for the diplomas “Fortresses of Peace” WCA (UR-00004) and “Castles of Ukraine” (CH-003).
Shuvalov Hunting Palace in Talnoy
In the friendly and beautiful town of Talne, not far from the River Tikich is the palace of Count Shuvalov, also called the hunting castle. The history of the palace is as distant and mysterious as the date of its creation, which was more than 150 years ago.
Chic hunting castle of Count Naryshkin-Shuvalov in the town of Talne was laid back in 1893. It was a luxurious two-storey palace in the style of the then and quite popular Renaissance hunting castles. The castle is located in the middle of a specially designed English park. The count’s coat of arms decorates the main facade of the building.
The architect of the palace was Dutchman. Castle Palace has three towers with a luxurious balcony. Style and decoration of the castle, indeed, take us all to the distant Renaissance times. The castle is decorated with original moldings. The interior layout also deserves special attention. The castle has a large hall in the center, the enfilade of living space in the northern part. All this is maintained in a particularly luxurious manner of planning.
In Soviet times, the hunting castle housed an agricultural museum. Interestingly, it was equipped here because many remnants of Tripillya’s culture were found on Tali’s territory. According to historians and scientists, Tripoli culture is the oldest bread culture in the world.
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