Russian Radio Communications Championship on VHF on September 5-6, 2020
1. Classification of sports competition
The Russian Radio Sport Championship (VHF radio communication) (hereinafter referred to as sports competitions) is held on the basis of the Unified Calendar Plan of Interregional, All-Russian and International Physical Culture and Sports Events of the Ministry of Sport (EKP-2020) and “Provisions on Interregional and All-Russian Official Sports Competitions in Radio Sport for 2020”, according to the Rules of the sport “radiosport”, the Uniform All-Russian Sports Classification (EUSC), the normative acts regulating the activity of amateur radio communication service in the Russian Federation and these Regulations.
Sports competitions are personal events with the team scoring among sports teams of the subjects of the Russian Federation.
2. organizers and participants of sports competitions
The organizers of the sporting events are the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Center for Sports Training of National Teams of Russia” (FGBU TsSP), All-Russian Public Radio Sports Organization “Union of Radio Amateurs of Russia” (SRR). The host organization is the Russian Union of Radio Amateurs of Russia. Judging sports competitions is carried out by the sports refereeing board of the Regional Department of the Russian Federation in the Chelyabinsk region.
Participants in sports competitions – citizens of the Russian Federation, located in the Russian Federation.
Participants of sports competitions are allowed to conduct radio communications with amateur radio stations in all countries.
Amateur radio stations from all over the world are invited to hold radio communications during sports competitions. Among them, a separate set-off is granted on condition that at least one confirmed radio communication with amateur radio stations in Russia is held.
3. Aims and objectives of sports competitions
– development of radiosport in the Russian Federation;
– identification of the strongest athletes to form sports teams of Russia in radiosport;
– fulfillment of the standards of the sport of the European Commission.
4. The program of sports competitions
Спортивные соревнования проводятся с 14:00 UTC 5 сентября до 09:00 UTC 6 сентября 2020 года.
Место проведения: на местах расположения радиостанций.
Повторные радиосвязи разрешены с одним и тем же корреспондентом на разных диапазонах.
Виды работы: CW и Phone (SSB, FM).
Диапазоны: 145 МHz, 435 МHz, 1,3 GHz, 5,7 GHz,10 GHz и 24 GHz.
5. Program Types
Individual score
– SO – VHF radio communication, one participant radio station (many bands, men/women);
– MO – radio communication on VHF, radio station with 2-3 participants (many bands, men/women).
Team scoring
– sports teams of Russian regions.
Non-qualified program types
In the types of programs of the MOE and SO, the results are additionally summarized by bands, as well as among the foreign radio stations that sent reports.
6. Control numbers
Participants of sports competitions exchange control numbers and QTH locators. The control number consists of RS(T) and an ordinal radio number starting with 001.
An example of a control number and a QTH locator:
RW3TJM 599001 LO16XG.
The numbering of the radio links is separate for each band.
The end time of radio communication is considered to be the moment when it ends.
7. Score count.
Points will be awarded for each kilometer of the distance between correspondents for each radio link:
– on the 145 MHz band – 1 point
– on a range of 435 MHz – 2 points
– on a range of 1.3 GHz – 4 points
– on bands 5.7 GHz, 10 GHz and 24 GHz – 6 points
The final result is determined as the sum of points.
The result of the sports team of the subject of the Russian Federation is the sum of the three best results in the types of SO and MO program.
8. Reports
Each participant or team, regardless of the number of radio communications, must submit a report on participation in sports competitions in the electronic form to the panel of judges.
The reports shall be uploaded to the electronic refereeing system of the Union of Radio Amateurs of Russia within 8 days from the end of the competitions. The final date for receiving reports is 23:59 UTC, September 14, 2020.
Reports from Russian participants will be accepted in EDI format via the Russian interface of the electronic judging system.
Reports from foreign amateur radio stations are accepted in the EDI format via the English interface of the electronic judging system.
Current information on the progress of judging is published at
9. Reward
The winners (men/women) are determined separately in each type of program by the highest number of points scored:
– athletes who took the 1st place in SO and MO events are awarded the title “Champion of Russia”;
– valuable prizes (cups) are awarded to radio stations that took 1st place in the SO and MO events;
– medals, as well as diplomas, are awarded to the athletes who took 1-3 places in the kinds of SO and MO program;
– Diplomas shall be awarded to the athletes who ranked 1st-3rd in the SO and MO bands;
– diplomas (in electronic form) are awarded to sports teams that took 1-3 places in the team classification among sports teams of the RF regions.
Diplomas in electronic form are placed on the website of the SRR.
Places are distributed and awarded if in the form of a program at least five participants.
10. Terms of financing
Award paraphernalia (cups and medals) are provided by FGBU CSP and SRR.
Expenses on a business trip (travel, meals, accommodation) and insurance of the participants are provided by their sending organizations.
These Regulations are the basis for the business trip.
The Regulation is developed by the VHF Committee of the SRR.
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