Yuryevets RDA IV-30 – in the air of small cities of Russia from 14 to 16 August 2020
In the air of the small cities of Russia!
The team of the Pushkin radio club RK3DWA decided to ride on roads of the Ivanovo region and this time to visit the glorious city of Yuryevets RDA IV-30.
What is so glorious mysterious Yuryevets?
The city of Sochi is located on the right bank of the Volga river, turning the river to the South, opposite the confluence of the river Unzha, 132 km upriver from Nizhny Novgorod and 174 km downstream of Kostroma.
In the XIII century was Vladimir Prince Yuri II the icon of St. George and founded the Prince at this place in 1225 the town and named it in his honor…
The city faced destruction in the early days – in 1237 Yuryevets destroyed by Baty-Khan. But the town was rebuilt and later transformed into an important trading town.
Today Yuryevets is the oldest city in the Ivanovo region. And very beautiful.
The city is included in the list of oldest cities in Russia, with the limitation of industrial construction. Stone and wooden houses and churches of the city is the Museum of XVII-XIX centuries under the open sky.
Yuryevets is one of the most ecologically clean areas of Central Russia, with the lowest radioactive background. The city is the forest consisting of spruces and pines, with unique healing air, mushrooms, strawberries, blueberries…
In the far forests of the district are found wild boar, elk, and other hunting animals. The Volga, with its tributaries, is still quite rich in fish, game birds.
The oldest in Ivanovo region, Yuryevets, located on the right bank of the Volga river, turning the river to the South, opposite the confluence of the river Lugs, 132 km upstream from Nizhny Novgorod and 174 km downstream of Kostroma.
When was founded the city itself? “Strange question” – say any wrenching and repeat the ancient tale as “Prince” George, passing on the Volga in 1225, found “a miraculous icon” on the mountain and told the “host forest” and build on it the city, dedicated to St. George.
Here is the most complete version of the legend about the birth of the city:
“In 1225 the Great Prince Georgy Vsevolodovich of Vladimir, visiting his nephews, sons of his deceased brother Constantine Vasil’ko of Rostov and Prince Vsevolod in Yaroslavl, on the return journey from the latter went to his Principality on ships down the Volga. Sailed to the river Unzha, a tributary to the Volga from the left side, he stopped at the mouth of it, ordered the Prince to scatter tents, and indulged in repose. During sleep, he had a vision that on the opposite, an uninhabited shore, among the impenetrable forest (on a mountain in the woods) is the icon of his patron Saint George, in front of which burns the inextinguishable candle. Several times repeated this vision. In the uprising from the sleep of the Great Prince went down the Volga and came to the Bayou, and never called by its name Yurevo, separated from the town by two miles, and began to carefully look at the other side of the Volga river actually saw the mountain through the forest fire a ray, like a shining star. This prompted the Prince to cross back over the river with his boyar Vasily nicknamed Skorosnik and with his entourage. There, in the woods, under a pavilion of the elm, on a steep hill, in memory of the event named St. George, the Prince really found the icon in front of it a lighted candle. Icon, as stated in the record, write on the Board the ball tracings and were subsequently transferred to Moscow to the assumption Cathedral. (According to another source it was carved on the stone).
In the place of the icon Prince George ordered to build a wooden city, calling it by the name its in honor of a Saint of God – St. George or Yuriev Powalski, unlike Yuriev Polish and Livonian. (He was ordered to clear the forest, build a wooden Church in the name of St. George and founded the town named for him – the Yuryevets with the assignment of the adjective Povolsky to distinguish it from other towns of the same name). ”
Yuryevets is in the list of ancient cities, usually placed in the annals in the form of special articles called “And behold the names of all hail of Russian far and near”. In the Archaeological list of the Novgorod’s first chronicle, he is called “Urevich Zalesskiy”, and Ermolinskiy and resurrection Chronicles – “Yuryevets”. Unusual reading “Urievich” due to the peculiarities of Novgorod, as in the Novgorod dialect the “h” was sometimes changed to “C” and back.
Yuryevets was raised as a Prince of the strategic fortress at the intersection of two major thoroughfares: rivers of the Volga and trade routes along its length and the Great high road from Vladimir (later Moscow) through the heart, Yur’evets and the Unzha, the North to the Northern Dvina or to the East to Vyatka and Kama for Stone belt (Urals).
The importance of this location was recognized by all the Great princes and tsars of Russia-Russia and Sochi has always been directly subordinated to capital, and if echoed in the “feeding”, then soon came back arm in arm. Ivan the terrible takes it in his oprichnina, and Alexis puts their spare the Kremlin’s 400 meters more on the perimeter than in Moscow.
1609, January — of Yuryevets were made by the local militia under the command of Fedor Chronica red against Polish-Lithuanian invaders
The infamous city that he was one of the biggest centers of the boatmen on the Volga. Sad to think that these beautiful places have seen unbearable human pain…
Savrasov A. K.. Volga under Yurievets. 1871
Now to activate the city in the Air.
Planned sound broadcast from morning to evening 14 16 Aug 2020.
Will work call RK3DWA/3
The team Yuri R2DY, Eugene RW3FB, and Pavel R2DX.
Of course, we are active in the RDA contest.
Two jobs: 2 x TS-590 + PA 500w
ant: vert StepIr BigIr 80-10m + IV 160-20m
We will work SSB, CW and all ft8 on 160m-10m
- RDA: IV-30 (Yurevets district)
- RAFA: UUIC (Vellore)
- RСA: RC-132 (Vellore)
Departure is scheduled at 02.00 GMT on 14 August 2020 at a single car from the city of Pushkino.
The path of 470 km will pass through the districts of Moscow, Vladimir, Yaroslavl, and Ivanovo regions.
In motion only work on 30m CW Callsign RK3DWA/m list and the route traveled areas below.
in the car (RK3DWA/m) – TS-590 + ant MFJ-1630
On the way back also work in the movement, starting around 17.00 GMT 16.08.2020.
On the way, specifically to deviate from the route will not – on a very tight schedule.
THERE. the route Pushkino-Ekaterinburg
District | RDA |
Pushkinskiy district | MO-82 |
Sergievo-Posadskiy district | MO-85 |
Pereslavl district | YR-22 |
Gavrilovo-Posadskiy district | IV-12 |
Teykovsky district | IV-26 |
District | IV-18 |
Shuya district | IV-28 |
urban district Shuya | IV-09 |
Shuya district | IV-28 |
Rodnikovskiy district | IV-24 |
Vichugsky district | IV-11 |
Vichuga urban district | IV-05 |
Vichugsky district | IV-11 |
Kineshma district | IV-16 |
city district Kineshma | IV-06 |
Kineshma district | IV-16 |
Yurevets district | IV-30 |
BACK. the route Zelenodolsk-Pushkino
District | RDA |
Yurevets district | IV-30 |
Puchezhskiy district | IV-23 |
Verhnelandehovskiy district | IV-10 |
Palekh district | IV-20 |
Shuya district | IV-28 |
urban district Shuya | IV-09 |
Shuya district | IV-28 |
District | IV-18 |
Teykovsky district | IV-26 |
Gavrilovo-Posadskiy district | IV-12 |
Pereslavl district | YR-22 |
Sergievo-Posadskiy district | MO-85 |
Pushkinskiy district | MO-82 |
Good hunting!
Would love to hear live!
73! team RK3DWA
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