R450AKSU and R450STAR Activity Days in September 2020

This year marks the 450th anniversary of the founding of the city of Aksai (Aksai village) and Starocherkasskaya village. In commemoration of the above events Aksai local branch of RO SRR in the Rostov region and the club of long-distance radio amateurs “MILLER-DX-CLUB” spend days of activity.
- Start: September 01, 2020 at 00.00 UTC
- Completion: September 30, 2020 at 23.59 UTS
We invite all radio amateurs of the world to take an active part in this sporting event.
During the days of activity, for QSO/SWL with special stations: R450AKSU and R450STAR, as well as operators-members of the Aksai local branch of the RO SRR in the Rostov region and/or operator-member of the club “M-DX-C”, it is possible to fulfill the conditions of obtaining diplomas: “450th anniversary of the city of Aksai”, “450th anniversary of the village Starocherkasskaya”.
QSL – MGR for special stations R450AKSU R450STAR is RM6LW.
Diploma program of activity days dedicated to the 450th anniversary of Starocherkasskaya village and Aksai city:
- Diploma “450th Anniversary of the city of Aksai”, to get it you need to gain 450 points (450 years from the date of foundation);
- Diploma “450th Anniversary of Starocherkasskaya Stanitsa”, to get it you need to gain 450 points (450 years from the date of foundation).
Each QSO/SWL with a special station gives – 150 points, with a member operator of the Aksai local branch of RO SRR for Rostovskaya and/or a member operator of the club “M-DX-C” – 50 points.
The diploma is issued in the electronic version. The electronic version of diplomas is downloaded automatically from the website http://r6l.hamlog.ru exclusively on the basis of loaded logs of the special station and operators-members of the Aksai local branch of the RO SRR for Rostov and/or operators-members of the club “M-DX-C”.
Repeated QSO/SWL are resolved on different bands, and on one band by different types of radiation: CW, PHONE, DIGI (all digital types are counted for one type).
For radio amateurs working on VHF (144MHz and above), it is necessary to spend – 2 QSO/SWL with members of Aksai MO and/or club “M-DX-C” and special station.
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