Victor RW3PK SK
At 70, Victor Alexandrovich Kozlov RW3PK died.
After the service of the SA worked at a number of enterprises of the electronic industry, headed the Bogoroditsky object of civil defense and emergency. Until recently, he had worked as a specialist in MKU EDDS of Bogoroditsky district administration of the Tula region.
Since the 70s, he has been an active radio amateur and designer. The first designs of UW3DI lamp and transistor, etc. Participation in competitions of all levels.
In his life, Victor enjoyed the respect of his radio colleagues. His distinguishing features were politeness, competent help, and assistance – he loved life…..
Victor has three sons and all of them are connected with the radio, which is rare in an amateur radio environment.
Eternal memory.
Radio amateurs of Bogoroditsk, Tula region, Russia.
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