Was on a racetrack, “Smolensk ring” is the first stage 2020

From 11 to 12 July 2020 team of radio Amateurs RK3L will be active on HF bands from 3.5 to 28 MHz in SSB, CW, all ft8, FT4, and a range of 2 meters, from the racetrack, “Smolensk ring” is located in the Dorogobuzh district, Smolensk region (RDA SM-10).
This is a great opportunity to fulfill the conditions of the diploma “Smolensk ring”, included in the diploma program of the RTCS.
Regulations on the diploma
The autodrome “Smolenskoe ring” — a ring race track in Dorogobuzh district of Smolensk region. In the village of Sochi. The project was developed in accordance with the requirements of the first category of the Russian automobile Federation and of the second category of the FIA. In the fall of 2008 began laying the first layer of asphalt. The delivery route in operation was originally planned in 2009 but was later postponed to mid-2010.
In the development configuration of the race track was involved, “the court architect of Formula 1” Hermann Tilke. The route length of 3,362 km and a width of 12 to 15 meters and consists of 13 corners: 8 left and 5 right. The maximum design speed for cars of the DTM is 241 km/h.
August 7-8, 2010 on the road passed the stage of the European championship of oncampusuk.
To receive a diploma must score points equal to the number of years from the date of opening of autodrome “Smolensk ring” (7 August 2010). In 2017 7, 2018 – 8 points, etc… lead Time diploma 01.01.2017 G. duplicates resolved on different bands and different modulation types.
- Hams working in Smolensk region of Dorogobuzh district of Smolensk region RDA SM-10 count 3 points.
- All the other hams of the Smolensk region are given 1 point.
Diplomas are free of charge and are issued only in electronic form.
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