Live RY3DAC – a children’s recreation center “emerald” 15-16 August 2020
15 – 16 Aug 2020, from children’s health center “emerald“ RDA MO-92, wwl: KO95XG will sound call RY3DAC. Operators – children 11 years and older, under the tutelage of Ilya Frolov R2HR, it is planned to work on the air in SSB on all bands. Please support the young operators of pleasant ties and parting words.
Center “emerald” is located in a picturesque corner of Moscow Meshchera lowland on the shore of the lake White away from the cities. The nearest city Shatura in 70 km from us, the distance from Moscow -153 km.
The children spend a lot of sports and training activities. The teaching staff organizes a variety of cultural events that will come up with not only educators but also children themselves.
PS the Huge request not to ask for communication to the test and fulfillment of the terms of the RDA.
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