Diploma program in “Memorials of the cities of heroes” Amateur Radio Club of Sochi
The club radioamateurs of Sochi named Yu. G. Sarajevo once again pleased with the ham radio in the year of the 75th anniversary of the Victory Day, the release of new degree programs “Memorials of the cities of heroes”, which consists of 13 diplomas – the number of cities of heroes.
- Brest 10 telecommunications
- Kerch 10 telecommunications
- Novorossiysk 10 telecommunications
- Stalingrad 10 telecommunications
- Leningrad 10 telecommunications
- Minsk, 10 telecommunications
- Sevastopol 10 telecommunications
- Smolensk 10 telecommunications
- Kiev 10 telecommunications
- Moscow 10 telecommunications
- Murmansk 10 telecommunications
- Tula 10 telecommunications
- Odessa 10 telecommunications
Applicants for the diploma it is necessary to conduct radio communications with radio in each city of the hero by 10 two-way radio communications on all Amateur bands, by different types of radiation. Repetitions are allowed on all ranges, but different kinds of telecommunication.
The launch of the diplomas since August 12, 2020, 00.00 GMT and ends 31 December 2020 23.59 hours GMT.
Diplomas free to download as you complete on the website Hamlog.ru in section Diplomas in Krasnodar region.
Hams towns of heroes after spending 800 QSO receive diplomas as activators.
Observers receive diplomas on the same basis, on applications of the observations. Send your application to the following address: rk6aaw@mail.ru or ru0syl@mail.ru
The club radioamateurs of Sochi named Yu. G. Sarajevo
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