Planet DIGIRADIO Activity Days November 3 and 4, 2020
Activity Days “Planet DIGIRADIO 2020” in digital views CONTESTIA, OLIVIA, THOR will be held 36 hours from 12:00 UTC Tuesday, November 3 to 23:59 UTC Wednesday, November 4 on nine SortWave bands 160-10m. Repeated radio communications are counted on different bands, as well as in different modes on the same band. SWL can take part in the days of activity.
All participants of the activity days who will spend at least 10 QSO (observations) will be awarded diplomas in electronic form. Among the members of the RCRC, we will draw a prize – a pennant with club logos. Diplomas for contests and activity days are posted on the site AWARDS CENTER OF RDRC.
To sum up the results within five days before 23:59 UTC November 9 you need to send to 01-10(at) adi-file (.adi) of the hardware log, which should be named your_sign.adi
Join our campaign, we wish you a pleasant journey on the “DIGIRADIO Planet”! Read the detailed situation on the website of the Russian Digital Amateur Radio Club.
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