Activity days of radio amateurs Pereyaslav, 18-22 September 2020

The days of activity of radio amateurs of Pereyaslav and Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskyi district will be held on September 21, 1943. 77 years ago, the city was liberated from Nazi invaders. This year 1113 of the first annalistic mention of Pereyaslav will be celebrated. On September 18-22 the days of activity of radio amateurs of the Pereyaslav region are planned. Amateur radio stations US7UU, UR5UW, UR5UGE (URDA KO-23), US1UD, UT9UC (URDA KO-24) will work on the air.
For 1 QSO-SWL it is possible to receive the electronic diploma “Pereyaslav-1113”. Applications for the diploma should be sent to the following address:
We invite radio amateurs of the world for QSO.
73! de US7UU ( UZ1U )
Pereyaslav is a real city-museum in the open air. On the one hand, it is a small district center, and on the other hand, it is one of the historical centers of ancient Kyivan Rus, having inestimable cultural and historical value. Pereyaslav is one of the oldest cities in Ukraine. The first documented mention of the city dates back to 907, but people have lived here before. By the beginning of the Mongol invasion, Pereyaslav was one of the most important centers of Russia, along with Chernigov and Galicia. Pereyaslav lies on the left bank of Kyiv region, in its southeastern part, near the Dnieper Riverbank, between the Alta and Trubezh Rivers (within the city they merge). The population of the city is 27,000 people.
A year ago the city was officially called Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky, but in October 2019, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted a resolution to return the historical name of the city – Pereyaslav (prefix Khmelnytsky was removed). True, the district itself is not yet renamed Wealth of the city are its history and an incredible number of museums. Pereyaslav itself is called the “Museum City”. Just imagine: in this small city there are more than 25 museums, in particular – the Museum of Architecture and Life of the Dnieper region, the Museum of Medicinal Plants, G.S. Memorial Museum. Frying pans, Sholom Aleichem Memorial Museum, Tripillya Culture Museum, Taras Shevchenko Memorial Museum, Battle of the Dnieper in 1943, Museum of Ukrainian Folk Life, Memorial Museum of Architect Zabolotny (the author of the Verkhovna Rada building project), Museum of Beekeeping History, Museum of Ukrainian Rushniki, Museum of the History of Ukrainian Folk Rites and Traditions, Museum of Bread, Museum of Philosophy, and many others.
That’s why, when visiting the city, every tourist, even the most fastidious one, will find something of his own here.
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