Days of activity of radio amateurs of Zaporizhzhya region for the diploma “Melitopol district – 90” 5-20 September 2020

From 5 to 20 September 2020 there will be days of activity of radio amateurs dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Melitopol district. For radio communications with jubilee EM90QMR radio station, as well as with members of Melitopol radio club “73!” and radio amateurs of Zaporozhye region will be issued a diploma “Melitopol district – 90”.
To get the diploma you need to gain 90 points.
For diploma applicants from Europe:
- Radio communications with a special EM90QMR radio station give 20 points.
- radio communications with Melitopol Radio Club collective radio station “73!”. US4QWA gives 15 points.
- Radio communications with members of Melitopol Radio Club “73!” give 10 points.
- radio communications with radio amateurs of Zaporozhye region give 5 points.
In the case of diploma applicants from other continents, the points for radio communications are doubled.
All amateur radio bands with different types of radiation (telephone, telegraph, digital communications) are counted for the diploma.
Repeated radio communications are counted on different bands, and on one band – different types of radiation, including different types of digital communication. For example, FT8, FT4, RTTY, BPSK31, 63 or 125 – as different types of radiation.
Radio amateurs of Melitopol Radio Club “73!”, as well as of Zaporozhye region get a diploma automatically if their callsign is specified in at least 10 applications of applicants or on the basis of their application on general terms.
The diploma is given to radio observers on general conditions.
The diploma is issued to applicants only in electronic format and is sent to the e-mail address specified in the application for the diploma. For radio amateurs of Zaporozhye region it is possible to issue diplomas in paper form (please specify in the application).
The diploma application should be sent no later than October 31, 2020, to the e-mail address of the diploma manager UR5QBB:
Diploma page on the website of the club:
The terms and conditions of the diploma can be found here::
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