The days of activity of the radio club “Neptune”, devoted to the Navy Day 25-31 July 2020

The radio club “Neptune” in the period from 25 to 31 July 2020, spends his days of activity dedicated to the Day of Navy of Russia. This is a good opportunity to fulfill the conditions for the award of “Devoted today of Navy fleet of Russia“
To obtain the diploma it is necessary to conduct 26 telecommunications (observations) c radio amateurs of Russia and 7 of them ties with members of radio club “Neptune”. Repetitions are allowed in different modes CW, SSB, DIGI. In count, all QSOs made during the period 25.07.20 for 31.07.20 years.
Observers (SWL) receive a diploma on the same basis.
The award is issued through or send a request to the Manager of the diploma in any text file, indicating basic data about radio
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