Activity Days of Ryazan radio amateurs 1 – 7 October 2020
01.10.2020 to 07.10.2020 are held days of activity of Ryazan radio amateurs dedicated to 125 – the anniversary of the birth of the Great Russian poet Sergei Alexandrovich Esenin, a native of the village Konstantinovo Ryazan region.
These days it is possible to fulfill conditions of the following diplomas of the Ryazan region: “Sergey Esenin”, “Ryazan region”, “Marshal of the Soviet Union Turquoise S.S.”, “Domes of the Ryazan land”, “Kasimov”, “Eupatiy Kolovrat”, “Homeland of the Russian poet S.S.”. A. ESENIN”.
Information about the diplomas in the catalog of diplomas of QRZ.RU. The diplomas are issued in electronic form.
To get a diploma you need to dial 125-anniversary radio communications.
- During the activity period, a special call sign R125SE – 25 points will work.
- Radio communications with radio stations RW3SK and UA3SAG, in whose works there are literary works devoted to Sergey Esenin – 20 points.
- Radio stations operating from Rybnovsky Raion – 15 points
- RK3SAI, RK3SWS, RK3SWB, RY3SAA collective radio stations – 10 points
- Radio amateurs of Ryazan and Ryazan region – 5 points
- Radio communication on VHF bands – 5 points
Repeated radio communications are counted on different bands.
Digital DIGI communication types are not counted.
Conditions for applications for diplomas by Ryazan radio amateurs: – it is necessary to spend at least 500 radio communications, during the days of activity, with any amateur radio stations in the world.
To obtain electronic diplomas it is enough to send an application to the diploma manager at the following address: Ig.kharlamov2011(at), Igor Kharlamov R2SBT
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