Results of JT9 days of activity “Easy Go, You’ll Go Further” 2020

On August 22 and 23, 286 radio amateurs from 52 regions of Russia and 44 foreign countries from five continents of the world took part in JT9 days of activity “Easy Go, You’ll Go Further”. We express our gratitude to all who supported our activity. The certificates are placed on the site AWARDS CENTER OF RDRC and they are awarded to all 286 participants. Three prizes were raffled off.
For 1 place in the world, the certificate is awarded to Jose Hilario De Sa LW6DLS RCRC#1110 – 137 QSO and 1.621.085 kilometers. The second diploma at Alex Panoiu YO9HP – 408 QSO and 1.459.869 km; the third – at Jorge Viana LU1DA RCRC#1342 – 123 QSO and 1.423.311 km.
We congratulate the owners of club pennants with RCRC-RDRC logos, which were the winners in three competitions:
- “It is better to see once than to hear a hundred times” – for the greatest number of radio communications with correspondents who are over 10.000 kilometers away, the prize is awarded to Jose Hilario De Sa LW6DLS RCRC#1110 – 100 QSOs over 10.000 kilometers with a total distance of 1.360.081 kilometers.
- “Both auctions and responses” – in this contest the prize were drawn in a lottery between all participants with the result over 100.000 km. The winner was Omar Baghdadi OD5ZF RCRC#1075 – 254 QSO and 890.372 kilometers.
- “Better than nothing” – in this contest the prize was drawn in a lottery between participants who showed the best results in each of the ranges. The winner was Vasily Telitsin R9DZ RCRC#1275 – 78.839 kilometers for 41 QSO on the range of 15 meters.
The tables with the results are published on the Russian Digital Amateur Radio Club website.
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