Meeting in Saint-Petersburg in memory of UA1FA
16th August 2020, in St. Petersburg, in memory of Yakov Semenovich Lapovok, UA1FA, on his birthday, at his apartment, held a meeting.
The jam session will be held from 12:00 p.m. Moscow time. If someone comes sooner – no problem, doors will open.
Rally point where you will be welcomed and will be taken to the apartment – the yard of the house 8, building 1, on the prospect of Solidarity in St. Petersburg. Frequency 2 meters to be announced.
Let’s set the table, remember UA1FA, and the short waves of previous years, which inevitably change with each passing year. And that the atmosphere was as expected at a birthday party joyful. Even if a little with a mixture of sadness and nostalgia.
Yakov S. Lapovok (August 16, 1931, Leningrad — May 31, 2014, St. Petersburg) — Soviet and Russian specialist in the field of electronics, candidate of technical sciences (1966), the radio Amateur who specialized on short-wave. Known as the designer and promoter of technology for the Amateur radio, the author of the first in the USSR published designs Amateur short-wave transceiver (1964).
In 1954 he graduated from Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute. Since 1958, worked in the Bureau and scientific research Institute of Radioelectronics (NPO “Leninets”), participated in the development of electronic equipment anti-submarine and anti-ship complexes.
Amateur radio worked 16 years; short-wave communication interested in 1948, Already in 1950, as mentioned in the magazine “Radio” as an active member of the Leningrad radio operator who specialized in short-wave and designer[1]. Your permanent Callsign UA1FA received in 1950 At the Leningrad radio club met G. N. Jankowski and many of their designs created in collaboration with him. Developed tens of designs of devices for Amateur radio in the shortwave band. Many of them have received awards at all-Union exhibitions of creativity of radio fans-designers. The apparatus developed by J. Lapovok was made thousands of radio Amateurs and used them in practice (the most popular was the transceiver according to the book “I’m building a short-wave station”).
Since 1995 — Vice-President of the Union of radio amateurs of Russia (SRR), from 1992 — President of the Association of Amateur radio of St.-Petersburg and Leningrad region. The honorary radio operator of the USSR (1965).
The name of “Лаповок” (lat. “Lapovok”) has one of the smaller planets of the Solar system, opened on 8 August 1978, an employee of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory N. Black and registered under No. 7912.
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