The club “Fifth Ocean” – `the day of parachute 26 Jul 2020

Amateur radio club-aviators “Fifth Ocean” on the 26th of July 2020 day to day activity on the day of the parachutist.
July 26, 1930, near Voronezh 5 Soviet pilots and mechanics (Moszkowski, Egorov, 3ахаров, Kovalenkov, Kukharenko Mukhin, Povalyaev, Pogus Filippov, Freiman, Cherkashin), headed Minulym for the first time in the Soviet Union made a series of training jumps from the aircraft. Jump used American parachute company Irwin purchased the trip Minowa in the United States. In total, during the training session, from 26 to 29 June, had completed 59 training and demonstration parachute jumps.
The first experience gained in 1930, gave impetus to the further development of parachuting in the Soviet Union. By the end of 1931, Soviet paratroopers completed over 600 training and demonstration jumps. The craze was so popular that in the city parks of culture and recreation established a “parachute tower” from which you could jump anyone. After the 1st of the gathering of sportsmen-parachutists (Tushino 1935), which involved 128 men and 20 women from 21 Aeroclub of the country in many cities, there were regular competitions in the packing parachutes, jump from a parachute tower, the technique of execution jumps from the plane.
Between 1949 and was annually held competitions in parachute sport. There are several varieties of parachuting: parachuting classic, group and dome parachute acrobatics, parachute sport.
The world and European Championships in the classic skydiving are held every 2 years.
The first world championship was held in 1951 in Yugoslavia. All-Union competitions were organized annually (since 1956). The program of events on the classic skydiving may include the following basic exercises: single and group jumps from 1000 – 1200 m on the accuracy of landing in a circle of radius 5 m (offset by getting into the center of the target with a diameter of 5 cm); individual acrobatic jumps from a height of 2000 m with a delay of disclosing of a parachute, not more than 30 seconds and execution of a complex of figures in free fall (spirals and flips). The winner in the accuracy landing is a sportsman, which had the smallest deviation from the target center in all 4-6 jumps, and the team with the smallest deviation from the target center to the sum of all jumps of the members of the group (up to 4 people) in all the jumping exercises.
Today in Russia on parachute jumping from aircraft, balloons, and other aircraft of tens of thousands, and parachutes applied in aviation, military, sports, and other spheres of human activity. Also conducted many competitions in parachute sport.
July 26 is considered to be an unofficial holiday – the Day of paratroopers. In honor of this event, every year in Russia on July 26, professionals and lovers of parachuting celebrate their professional holiday.
26 Jul 2020 celebrates 90 years of this event. Amateur radio club “Fifth Ocean” in honor of this event, in day to day activity on July 26, 2020, the Board established a diploma “Hovering under the dome”.
Invited radio Amateurs of all countries for QSOs with radio Amateurs members of the club “Fifth Ocean” on the ranges of 1.8 – 28 MHz and VHF.
Terms of the diploma.
Regard for the diploma counted from 26 July to 26 August each year.
The validity of the diploma is an annual.
The required number of points that must be acquired to meet the conditions of diploma, equal to the number of years since the Foundation Day of the parachutist: in 2020 within one month (26.07.2020 for 26.08.2020) applicants need to score – 90 points in 2021 (26.07.2021 for 26.08.2021) – 91 points, etc..
The procedure of scoring.
- For communication with radio Amateurs, members of the club “Fifth Ocean”, paratroopers EV1P, LZ1HM, LZ2KO, LZ5KW, LZ1ZF, R2FBG, R3AP, R5EO, R,5ER, R6NI, R6DEN, R8CZ, RA6ADQ, RA9LY, RD7D, RK9DR, RT6DO, EN6UR, RV3YR, RW3, YL, RW3YS, RZ5D, UA3DJ, UA3DVC, UA3SAO, UA3WHK, – 3 points.
- For communication with radio Amateurs, members of the club “Fifth Ocean” – 1 point.
- For QSO/SWL on VHF and range of 160 m with radio stations, members of the club “Fifth Ocean” added 1 point to the above;
- 1 QSO/SWL through a satellite or EME by Amateur radio operators, members of the club “Fifth Ocean” diploma.
The multiplier for applicants, depending on the Regions:
- Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan – 1;
- Europe (except countries listed) – 2;
- Asia, including of radio amateurs of Russia of the 19 zones (except countries listed) – 3;
- North and South America, Africa, Australia and Oceania, Antarctica – 5.
Repeated QSO allowed only on different bands and different types of radiation.
All types of digital communications (RTTY, PSK, MFSK, SSTV, JT64, all ft8, etc.) count as one kind of DIGI.
In the days of the ham activity of the club “Fifth Ocean” points for QSO doubled.
Activators, members of the club “Fifth Ocean”, diploma with sequence number index “A” is issued depending on the number of QSOs for the period from 26 July to 26 August:
- Class 3 diploma for the 100 QSO;
- 2nd class diploma for 250 QSO;
- 1 class of certificate for the 500 QSO;
- diploma of “Master” over 1000 QSO.
It is obligatory to confirm the QSO on the resource
The diploma is issued free of charge in electronic form via the online
Members of the club “Fifth Ocean” in the days of activity and after their completion, can obtain the diploma as candidates in a general manner.
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