Mini-test in memory of fallen aviators September 26, 2020

The last Saturday of September in Russia is the Day of Memory of the lost aviators. The international club of flying radio amateurs “Fifth Ocean” holds a traditional mini-test. It will be held in two stages: morning and evening, each for 2 hours (one hour – CW, the second – SSB). The beginning – at 07:00UTC, the end – 17:59UTC.
All details – in the Regulation on the mini-test at ( in the Meetings section or on the club website:
All fans of aviation and radio amateur diplomas are invited. Minist – a very good opportunity to fulfill the conditions of many diplomas in one day.
Awards to winners: for the first place in its subgroup – 3 diplomas of the club, for the second place – 2 diplomas, for the third-place – 1 diploma. All 36 diplomas of the club can be found on the club website::
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