Another activation of the team “KRV” – WWII airfield “Zhitkur” – NEW ONE ZDW5
In the period from 29 to 30 August 2020, members of the NGO “Club of Radio Amateurs of the city of Volzhsky” plan to activate the inactive airfield “Zhitkur”, located in Pallasovskiy district of Volgograd region (NEW ONE RAFA: ZDW5; RDA: VG-37, Loc. LN38DX). The approximate working period from 10.00 UTC 29.08.2020 to 08.00 UTC 30.08.2020.
The airfield was created in 1942 for aviation support of the Battle of Stalingrad, then it was based here up to ten bombings, assault, and fighter aircraft regiments. After WWII, it was involved in the life support system of the Kapustin Yar Cosmodrome.
Callsignals of the radio expedition:
1st position UA4AVN/p (Oleg) – SSB – 100 W,
2nd position R4ADD/p (Yuri) – CW, FM – 100 W.
Ranges: 80, 40, 30, 20, 15, 10 meters (recommended frequencies of the program RAFA);
2 meters (145.500 & 145.550).
TX: Yaesu FT-897, 857D.
ANT: in.vee on 80 meters, in.vee on 40 – 20 meters, dipole on 30 meters, on 10.5 meters masts, on 2 meters 8 elements (2 stacks of 4 elements) on 5 meters mast, OPEK HVT-400B, GP on 10 meters, END Fed.
POWER: petrol generator Patriot GP1000i for 1 KW.
There is a good opportunity to fulfill the conditions of the diploma of the club “Travel with us”.(TWU) (
Photoactivation report will be placed on ua4avnmail–
Please drop in the cluster, as there is no internet or mobile connection at the location of the airfield.
See you on the air!
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