“To the memory of the dead Airmen” – action in Memory of the club “Fifth Ocean” July 25, 2020

The club “Fifth Ocean”, continue the program “memorial to the dead Airmen” July 25, 2020, carries out the Action of Memory with the scene of the tragic death of test pilot captain Taranenko, Viktor Vladimirovich, and Lieutenant Boteva Nicholas.
They died on this day – 25 July 1974 when performing a test flight in the MiG-21У, performing flight on “portability” — a physiological study to determine the boundaries of the health of the pilot in flight. We analyzed the change of blood pressure and heart rate in the cyclic change of signs of overload.
On the day of death – July 25, 2020, the expedition team of the club – Oleg Utkin R2ANX/P, Anton Zhidkov R5BC/P, Dmitry Shcherbakov R2AJ/M, Peter Salnikov R2DOW/P will hold the exit Share Memory near the crash site (N 55,448655*, E 38,659922*), LOC: KO95ik, RDA: MO59. The expedition members will work with personal callsigns /M /R. In memory of these Heroes will be given a commemorative certificate serial via HAMLOG.
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