Radio expedition to Anapa lighthouse

RV6AWZ team plans to activate Anapa Lighthouse, RLE-048 ERU-295, Loc -KN84PV. RDA KR-12 in the period from September 15 to 18, 2020. We plan to work at 80-10 meters in SSB, CW & DIGI. We invite all radio amateurs to take part in the diploma program RLHA club Russian Robinson.
The Anapa lighthouse is one of the most beautiful and hard-to-reach lighthouses of the Krasnodar region, located on the quay in the city of Anapa.
The lighthouse in Anapa was built at the end of the first decade of the last century. A place on a steep high shore was chosen for its construction. Started in 1898, construction was completed ten years later, and in mid-autumn 1909, the lighthouse “blinked” passing ships.
10 years after the Great Victory over fascism, a new lighthouse appeared on a steep bank, which today is visited by hundreds of thousands of tourists coming to Anapa. The snow-white tower in the form of an octahedron, divided by three black stripes, rises to 43 meters above sea level. This modern navigation facility is equipped with a radio beacon, a radio station, and a diesel generator, which allows the beacon to function even during power outages.
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