EM5K Radio Expedition from Kremenetsky Mountains September 5-6, 2020
On September 5-6, 2020 a group of radio amateurs from Dnepropetrovsk and Rivne regions of Ukraine will take part in the IARU 1st District Championship on VHF. The work will be carried out from the Kremenets mountains of the Ternopil region (locator KO20UC). Antenna – stack 2×16 elements I0JXX, transceivers – ICOM 9700, Sun SDR2 Pro, Kenwood TS-2000X, PA. Height above sea level – 400 meters. More detailed information can be found on the site http://opencontest.org.
In 2019, working from the same position, we’re able to communicate in the range of 144 MHz to a distance of 1100 km. We invite VHF enthusiasts to conduct near and far radio communications with the EM5K radio station.
Members of the EM5K team: UT5EL, UT5ECZ, UT9EZ, UW5KW, UR5KCP, UX0KR. QSL guide through UW5KW.
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