New diploma program “Pantheon of the Slavic Gods” from R-YL-C

Radio club R-YL-C has developed a new diploma program “Pantheon of the Slavic Gods” consisting of 48 diplomas.
The program is created for studying the great heritage of our ancestors of Slavs, in particular – their belief in the many gods, as well as to increase the activity of radio amateurs on the air. Diplomas are given to all radio amateurs of the world for QSO (SWL) with radio amateurs of different regions of the Russian Federation, as well as with female radio amateurs, members of the club R-YL-C. Diplomas are issued free of charge in electronic form through HAMCLUB.RU and are suitable for independent quality printing.
All QSOs, starting from 08.08.2020, with any type of radiation, on any band, without repeats, and without time limit, are taken into account. QSOs with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign and repeat with members YLSOs DESIGN FOR EVERY NEW DATE. Observers are given a diploma under similar conditions.
Diplomas are divided into Introductory, the Gods of the Three Worlds, the Gods of Peace Right, the Gods of Peace Show, the Gods of Peace Nave. It is necessary to fulfill the conditions of diplomas one by one, according to their location on the site. We wish everyone good luck in the execution of the entire diploma program of 48 diplomas.
1. Introduction to the program
Slavic mythology is a kind of concept of sacred knowledge of world understanding, as well as knowledge about the way of life of our ancestors and their coexistence in harmony with nature. Our ancestors have always been amazed by the power of their spirit and their unique desire to create and cognize the world around them. In Slavic mythology believed in many gods and three basic concepts – the triad of the state of the world: Prav, Javi, Nava.
These are three worlds that are separated by insurmountable boundaries and, at the same time, always coexist together and inseparably.
World Righteousness – These are the higher forces standing at the origins of the creation of the world and not in direct contact with people, these are the laws of the universe and human laws given to us by these Gods.
The world of Apparius is our visible world, where we arrive in our physical body.
The Navi world is an afterlife where the spirits and souls of dead people live.
To get this introductory diploma it is necessary, starting from 08.08.2020, to conduct 20 QSOs with amateur radio stations of the world, any kind of radiation, on any range, without repeats, and without time limitations. QSOs with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign, it is allowed to repeat only with members of RYLS on EVERY NEW DATE. R-YL-C members need 88 QSOs to get their diplomas. Observers are given a diploma in similar conditions.
Gods of the 3 worlds: Rod, Veles, Makosh.
2. Rod
The First God, the Mother Creator who created the Motherland in the middle of Chaos, creating the order of the world order. In Slavic mythology, God the Sort is not exactly the Supreme Creator of the universe; he is the one who created the three worlds in which our bodies and souls exist. God Rod is the one who created the world order and supports the rules; he is the power that gives meaning to our existence. He is the one who created the Gods and gave them various manifestations that organize the sequence of development and stops, light, and darkness.
To get this diploma it is necessary, starting from 08.08.2020, to conduct 30 QSOs with amateur radio stations of the world, any kind of radiation, on any range, without repeats, and without time limitations. QSO with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign, allowed to repeat only with members of YLSO on EVERY NEW DATE. R-YL-C members need 88 QSOs to get their diplomas.
3. Veles
The Slavic God Veles is known also to those who are not familiar with Slavic mythology in general. Honoring the God Veles is connected to the fact that he embodies all the forces of the three worlds at the same time – that was the design of the Sort Creator in relation to him. For this reason influence of the God Veles is great on a life and death human. God Veles is revered as the Protector of nature, manager of wild and domestic animals, in other words, the apparent well-being of people depends on his power. In addition, it is believed that it is God Veles who helps the souls of the dead to get into the white Nava and then translates across the river Berezina soul of children for birth in Javi. On everything, the God Veles, being the God of Wisdom and Magic, stands especially in a pantheon of the Slavic Gods.
To get this diploma it is necessary, starting from 08.08.2020, to conduct 40 QSOs with amateur radio stations of the world, any kind of radiation, on any range, without repeats, and without time limitations. QSO with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign, allowed to repeat only with members of YLSO on EVERY NEW DATE. R-YL-C members need 88 QSOs to get their diplomas.
4. Makosh
The Slavic Goddess Makosh is known and loved more than anyone else. It is the Goddess of Destiny and Magic, who owns the threads of destinies as men, as well as women, men, and Gods. Due to the great action and influence on the welfare of people, the worship of the Goddess Makosh has been mixed with the cult of the Goddess Mother of Cheese Earth, also the giver of goods. But Makosh is a bearer of benefits in a big sense, for the whole family line, and Mother of the Earth cheese – a more “down-to-earth” well-being, for a specific period. There is no mention in mythology that God the Child who created our Motherland, the Worlds, Gods, ever created the Goddess Makosh. This silence may indicate that the Goddess Makosh is a force that came from outside”.
To get this diploma it is necessary, starting from 08.08.2020, to spend 50 QSOs with amateur radio stations of the world, any kind of radiation, on any range, without repeats, and without time limitations. QSO with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign, allowed to repeat only with members of YLSO on EVERY NEW DATE. R-YL-C members need 88 QSOs to get their diplomas.
Gods of peace Prav:
5. Svarog
Svarog is the Slavs’ God of Heaven, the father of all things. Svarog is the father of a number of gods (Perun, Dazhdbog, Semargl), the god of fire elements, the creator, connected with the heavenly fire, and the heavenly sphere. The name of the god comes from the Vedic “svargas” – heaven; also the root “var” – burning, fever is represented in this word. The legend tells that Svarog gave people the first plow and blacksmith mites, taught to smelt copper and iron. In addition, he set up laws that people could follow. “Deed of God” Svarog, according to an ancient legend, gives himself up to rest, giving control to his gods, children, and grandchildren – Svarozhich.
To get this diploma it is necessary, starting from 08.08.2020, to carry out 60 QSO with amateur radio stations of the world, any kind of radiation, on any range, without repeats, and without time limitations. QSO with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign, allowed to repeat only with members of YLS on EVERY NEW DATE.R-YL-C members to get the diploma need to conduct 188 QSO.
6. Lada
Lada is the Slavic goddess of love and beauty (from its second name the name of Slavs has come up). By name Lada ancient Slavs named not only the initial goddess of love but also all system of life – ok, where all should be ok, that is well. All people should be able to get along with each other. The wife called the favorite palace, and he called her a palace.
To get this diploma it is necessary, starting from 08.08.2020, to conduct 70 QSOs with amateur radio stations of the world, any kind of radiation, on any range, without repeats, and without time limitations. QSO with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign, allowed to repeat only with members of YLSO on EVERY NEW DATE. R-YL-C members need 188 QSOs to get their diplomas.
7. Belbog
Belbog is the god of good luck, happiness, prosperity, fertility; Creator of the Light part of the World; represents the spring sky and daylight. The short meaning of the symbol of Belbog – the purity of thoughts, intentions. Belbog helps only good people, but sometimes people need to prove not even God (from which nothing can be hidden), and himself, that he carries a particle of light.
To get this diploma it is necessary, starting from 08.08.2020, to spend 80 QSO with amateur radio stations of the world, any kind of radiation, on any range, without repeating and without time limitation. QSO with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign, allowed to repeat only with members of YLSO on EVERY NEW DATE. R-YL-C members need 188 QSOs to get their diplomas.
8. Chur
Chur is the god of protection of property rights, protection, guardian of borders, integrity, protection of the home. The lowest deity of Eastern Slavic mythology. His duties included protection of interrelations, land borders, and in general – borders. Dibs guarded clan and tribal domains, and impure forces could not cross their borders. On the borders of their possessions, our ancestors built a statue with symbolic clan signs carved on it, which were considered sacred. Chur guarded man from all “spoilage”, “impure power”. Apparently, this is why we sometimes say: ” Chur me ” when we want to protect ourselves from something bad.
To get this diploma it is necessary, starting from 08.08.2020, to carry out 90 QSO with amateur radio stations of the world, any kind of radiation, on any range, without repeats, and without time limitations. QSO with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign, allowed to repeat only with members of YLSO on EVERY NEW DATE. R-YL-C members need 188 QSOs to get their diplomas.
9. Ziva
The Slavic Goddess Zhiva is the wonderful daughter of the Goddess Lada. The wife of God Dazhd god, from her children she gave birth to Slavic. The Goddess Live for the Slavs – as a sip of living water, injects into a person the opportunity to live, love, give birth to their own kind. It is an embodiment of the flow of vital forces that allow a baby to grow, a boy and a girl to become a father and mother. From the appeal to the Goddess of Living the wounds are healed, health returns and the joy of life infuses itself. In short, this is the Goddess who bears Life.
To get this diploma it is necessary, starting from 08.08.2020, to conduct 100 QSOs with amateur radio stations of the world, any kind of radiation, on any range, without repeats, and without time limitations. QSO with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign, allowed to repeat only with members of YLSO on EVERY NEW DATE. R-YL-C members need 188 QSOs to get their diplomas.
Young and beautiful Slavic Goddess Lelya – the one who embodies for the Slavs all the charm of a young smile, ringing voice, and easy action. Goddess Lelya – the spring, which comes down to earth with Yarilo-Sun. The embodiment of these blossoming natural forces restoring man after a long and dark winter has been preserved in our culture as the Guardian Goddess. The sign of the Goddess Leoney is often found in traditional embroidery and is called a “guardian”. All spring calls, round dances, and ringing songs are dedicated to her – the smiling and affectionate Goddess Lelya.
To get this diploma it is necessary, starting from 08.08.2020, to carry out 110 QSOs with amateur radio stations of the world, any kind of radiation, on any range, without repeats, and without time limitations. QSO with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign, allowed to repeat only with members of YLS on EVERY NEW DATE.R-YL-C members to get the diploma need to conduct 188 QSO.
Lel is the deity of spring and youth from Lada’s suite, prompting nature to fertilize, and man to marry. He is Lada’s eldest son, his power was to ignite love, sometimes portrayed as a golden, flaming winged baby. He was metal from the hands of a spark, igniting love.
To get this diploma it is necessary, starting from 08.08.2020, to conduct 120 QSOs with amateur radio stations of the world, any kind of radiation, on any range, without repeats, and without time limitations. QSOs with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign, it is allowed to repeat only with members of YLS on EVERY NEW DATE. R-YL-C members need 188 QSOs to get their diplomas.
12. Kvasura
The Slavic God Kvasura embodies the now-forgotten culture of fun without alcohol intoxication, eating food without gluttony, holidays without “muzzle”. A moderate attitude to bodily pleasures while preserving the joy of life is what is invested in the image of the God Kwasura.
To be healthy, to be cheerful, to lead a healthy lifestyle without using fun and intoxicating substances – that is what the Slavic God of fun reminds us of. It is this image that is easiest to turn to when you want to improve your life, get health and freedom from addictions!
To get this diploma it is necessary, starting from 08.08.2020, to conduct 130 QSOs with amateur radio stations of the world, any kind of radiation, on any range, without repeats, and without time limitations. QSO with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign, allowed to repeat only with members of YLSO on EVERY NEW DATE. R-YL-C members need 188 QSOs to get their diplomas.
13. Kitovras
The Slavic God Kitovras is an amazing creature from old myths. The representative of that fabulous people, which we know from the Greek myths – the God Kitovras is described as a centaur, half-human half-coon. People say that he was a fairytale creature, that people and beasts, listening to him, went with their thoughts, and then with their bodies to the world, about which this ram was singing. Before Kitovras was a great warrior – a magician and even a commander, and won a lot of battles, and did not lose a single one; but suddenly, at the zenith of glory, he threw everything and went to the lands and scales with a wicked wicket, and began to tell magical tales. And his fairy tales were so heartfelt and reasonable that they gradually began to call Polkan the God of Wisdom.
To get this diploma it is necessary, starting from 08.08.2020, to conduct 140 QSOs with amateur radio stations of the world, any kind of radiation, on any range, without repeats, and without time limitations. QSOs with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign, allowed to repeat only with members of YLS on EVERY NEW DATE. R-YL-C members need 188 QSOs to get their diplomas.
Gods of world Jav:
14. Perun
God Perun is one of the main light gods of the Old Russian Vedic pantheon. God the Thunderer, the army of heaven leading in the path of war, protecting the visible world from the eternal and on this border, establishing order. Perun is the power that manifests itself in each of us by such qualities as honor, loyalty, dignity, courage, fortitude, determination, determination, selflessness, will, and devotion to the highest purpose in life.
To get this diploma it is necessary, starting from 08.08.2020, to carry out 150 QSO with amateur radio stations of the world, any kind of radiation, on any range, without repeats, and without time limitations. QSOs with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign, repeat is allowed only with members of R-YL-C on EVERY NEW DATE. R-YL-C members need 288 QSOs to get their diplomas.
15. Dazhdbog–
Three-light Dazhdbog is the god of sunshine. “Only glorify the gods, that having pure souls, let us live with our forefathers, in the gods merged into one truth, so only we will be Dajgod’s grandchildren”. Dažbog, or Dažbog, is the god of the sun and white light in Russian Vedic tradition. God is light, separating Yav from Navi, light from darkness and day from night, but unlike his brothers Yarila and Khorsa, symbolizing the hot summer sun. Dazhdbog – warms everything around with its tender and warm rays comfort all who need it. This God is the ancestor of the Slavs because not for nothing all Slavic people are called his grandchildren. He is like a caring father who comes to help in difficult moments, gives light, illuminates the road of life, and gives new hope. All of us need the sun, so the glory of Daddy God is eternal.
To get this diploma it is necessary, starting from 08.08.2020, to conduct 160 QSOs with amateur radio stations of the world, any kind of radiation, on any range, without repeats, and without time limitations. QSOs with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign, repeat is allowed only with members of R-YL-C on EVERY NEW DATE. R-YL-C members need 288 QSOs to get their diplomas.
16. Jarilo-
Yarilo-Slavic god of passion, unstoppable force, the god of spring, and flourishing of all human life forces. Yarilo was considered the youngest of the solar gods. He was the illegitimate son of Dodola and Veles. In the system of religious beliefs of our ancestors, Yarilo became the embodiment of the spring sun, just left the unkind embrace of winter. Therefore, the hallmarks of the character of this god in people were the rage, sincerity. The sun knows clearly and knows what is in the heart of man, that hides in the shadow of the branchy trees. Nothing can hide from the clear god. Heats with its rays from the cold of the winter crippled and from the longing of the heart.
To get this diploma it is necessary, starting from 08.08.2020, to carry out 170 QSOs with amateur radio stations of the world, any kind of radiation, on any range, without repeats, and without time limitations. QSOs with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign, repeat is allowed only with members of R-YL-C on EVERY NEW DATE. R-YL-C members need 288 QSOs to get their diplomas.
17. Khors
Khors is the god of the winter sun, giving hope in the most difficult time of year for the ancient Slavs. Khors (Chorus, Kors, Khoros) is a Slavic god of the Sunny Disc.
It is important not to confuse Khoros with other solar gods: Kolyada, Yarilo, Kupalo, and Awseny – these gods represent the sun in different seasons. Horse of the Slavs was revered as the son of Rhoda, the brother of Veles, and the steward of the chariot, which carries the sun disk across the sky.
To get this diploma it is necessary, starting from 08.08.2020, to carry out 180 QSO with amateur radio stations of the world, any kind of radiation, on any range, without repeats, and without time limitations. QSOs with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign, repeat is allowed only with members of R-YL-C on EVERY NEW DATE. R-YL-C members need 288 QSOs to get their diplomas.
18. Vesta
Vesta – Heavenly Goddess – Guardian of the Higher Wisdom of Divine Ancestors, the younger sister of the Goddess of Winter Mary. The goddess Vesta is also called the Protector of the New World, the Good Goddess of Spring, who governs the coming to Earth of Spring and the awakening of Nature. She is the Heavenly Guardian Divine Guardian of the Ancient Wisdom of the Highest Gods. She is also called the Guardian of the New World. Moreover, the Goddess of Vesta symbolized not only the acquisition of Ancient Wisdom but also the receipt of pleasant, good news.
To get this diploma it is necessary, starting from 08.08.2020, to carry out 190 QSO with amateur radio stations of the world, any kind of radiation, on any range, without repeats, and without time limitations. QSO with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign, repeat is allowed only with members of R-YL-C on EVERY NEW DATE. R-YL-C members need 288 QSOs to get their diplomas.
19. Tara
The goddess Tara (“Earth Tug”) – the goddess of fruits, fertility, one of the manifestations of Mother Earth and Living, helps to acquire blessings. It embodies the power of female attraction. The expression “sheltered” means to create food supplies. Birch, Oak, Ash, Cedar, and Elm trees are associated with the energy of this goddess. Tara (Tarusa) – the Slavic goddess of the Guiding Star. The light of the stars is less bright than daylight, sunny, but it is the stars that can indicate the way. Therefore, Tara, the Goddess of the Star, is called the patroness of travelers.
To get this diploma it is necessary, starting from 08.08.2020, to spend 200 QSO with amateur radio stations of the world, any kind of radiation, on any range, without repeats, and without time limitations. QSO with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign, repeat is allowed only with members of R-YL-C on EVERY NEW DATE. R-YL-C members need 288 QSOs to get their diplomas.
20. Divya
The goddess Divya is our beautiful familiar moon. It is the manifestation of this Goddess that we see in our world in the form of a thin sickle or a full circle. Divya the Moon Goddess is the embodiment of mystery, fickleness, and predictive power. This goddess is the patroness of fortune-tellers, Vorozha, all the Knights. In the obvious world, her influence extends to women, determining the rhythms of life. The Beautiful Goddess is a twin sister of the God Horse, who has been given night time control by the will of the Rhode Creator. The Moon Goddess rides her white chariot to heaven every night and returns every morning, giving way to her brother.
To get this diploma it is necessary, starting from 08.08.2020, to conduct 210 QSO with amateur radio stations of the world, any kind of radiation, on any range, without repeats, and without time limitations. QSO with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign, repeat is allowed only with members of R-YL-C on EVERY NEW DATE. R-YL-C members need 288 QSOs to get their diplomas.
21. Avsen
God of Autumn, God of the Autumn Sun according to ancient legends and beliefs of the Slavs. The majestic name Light or Holy is a reflection of the inner essence of the deity! Few people nowadays remember Him under this name. The God of the Slavs Avsen is the one who builds bridges between the present and the future, who will certainly show you the way. This is the power of the Slavic God Avsen. The Slavic God Avsen, son of Dazhd god and Maya Zlatogorka, twin brother of the God Kolyada, was revered by the Slavs as the God of change and first of all, as the God of change of seasons.
To get this diploma it is necessary, starting from 08.08.2020, to conduct 220 QSOs with amateur radio stations of the world, any kind of radiation, on any range, without repeats, and without time limitations. QSOs with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign, repeat is allowed only with members of R-YL-C on EVERY NEW DATE. R-YL-C members need 288 QSOs to get their diplomas.
22. Stribog
The word “stripping” comes from “stretch”, which means eldest. The lord of air space participated in many significant battles for the world of rule and appeared. According to ancient legends and chronicles, he is the lord of all winds and was created from the breath of the Rod – the demiurge of our universe is the brother of Semargl and Dazhdbog. Has a second name – Stryj, also it was called “scattering of riches”. Stribog is one of the Supreme gods of the Russian Vedic pantheon. Lord of the Winds, always ready to come to the aid of the gods in their opposition to the forces of the dark Navi. Born of a spark of light from Svarog’s hammer hitting Alatyr… Stribog Day of the Slavs in summer falls on August 8 is called Vetrogon, when with the first chill strong winds bring the news of early autumn.
To get this diploma it is necessary, starting from 08.08.2020, to conduct 230 QSOs with amateur radio stations of the world, any kind of radiation, on any range, without repeats, and without time limitations. QSO with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign, repeat is allowed only with members of R-YL-C on EVERY NEW DATE. R-YL-C members need 288 QSOs to get their diplomas.
23. Semargl
The Semargl Slavic god of fire, who lives in peace and protects him from dark forces, is also considered the patron of fertility. The purifying power of fire is used in the fight against various evils. It possesses a huge power comparable to the sun. The god of fire is the guardian of the world from evil. Pictured as a fire dog or a magic firebird Rarog. Semargl appeared from a spark carved by the great Svarog of stone alatyr. Semargl (Simargl, Firebird) – a very strong ancient Slavic God. In Zoroastrianism, Semargl is the God of death… Loves to travel, Semargl embodied on earth and in deeds.
To get this diploma it is necessary, starting from 08.08.2020, to conduct 240 QSOs with amateur radio stations of the world, any kind of radiation, on any range, without repeats, and without time limitations. QSO with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign, repeat is allowed only with members of R-YL-C on EVERY NEW DATE. R-YL-C members need 288 QSOs to get their diplomas.
24. Diva-Dodola
The diva Dodola (Dodola, Perunica, the Goddess of Lightning) is the Slavic Goddess of Thunderstorms, Lightning, and Heavenly Worship. The diva Dodola – the wife of Perun. In Slavic myths, it is mentioned as the true companion of the God of Thunder-storm (Perun). During the storm, Perun sends lightning, and the Virgin Dodola – the heavenly moisture necessary for the fertility of the earth. Especially often the Goddess becomes the patroness of young girls. The Slavs have made requests to Diva-Dodola for rain and she never refuses requests from her faithful servants. In addition, she patronizes transformations, allows a person to get rid of past mistakes (with the help of her lightning strikes), finds and fulfill their destiny. After she is struck by lightning, a person survives and starts a new life, but after Perun is struck, he or she does not. Beautiful Diva-Dodola is born from the God of Night Heaven and Wealth – the Divya and Goddess of the Moon. Dodola has always been very proud of her character and beauty. During their love games – we see lightning in heaven (Perunica) and the thunder that catches up with her (Perun). They have a daughter, Devana, the goddess of hunting. The Diva-Dodola is one of the most beautiful Slavic goddesses. In her power, there are rains and thunderstorms and all the great forces of nature.
To get this diploma it is necessary, starting from 08.08.2020, to spend 250 QSOs with amateur radio stations of the world, any kind of radiation, on any range, without repeats, and without time limitations. QSOs with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign, repeat is allowed only with members of R-YL-C on EVERY NEW DATE. R-YL-C members need 288 QSOs to get their diplomas.
25. Dogoda
Dogoda (Weather) patronizes good weather and a gentle, pleasant breeze. The appearance of the God of Dogoda inspires confidence in a man: young and blush, golden-haired and blue-eyed God smoothly tread on dew in a wreath of chamomiles and cornflowers, it is accompanied by a swarm of spinning birds and butterflies. Dogoda is not at all interested in the past or in the future, on the contrary, he enjoys what is happening here and now, so people to whom he comes in the fold should also let go of all their problems and relax – your work will certainly be completed on time.
To get this diploma it is necessary, starting from 08.08.2020, to conduct 260 QSOs with amateur radio stations of the world, any kind of radiation, on any range, without repeats, and without time limitations. QSOs with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign, repeat is allowed only with members of R-YL-C on EVERY NEW DATE. R-YL-C members need 288 QSOs to get their diplomas.
26. Agidel
Aguidel is the goddess of water among the Slavs. Our ancestors revered her as a life-giving force. Aguidel is the granddaughter of the supreme god Svarog, is one of the kindest and brightest, because it is she who gives life to all who exist on Earth, controlling the most important element – water, capable of purifying both body and soul. She is considered to be the Goddess of water, and she is very revered among people because they tried to settle near the water bodies, which were supposed to provide them with vital resources. Aguidel is pure in heart, in the soul. Only she had the power once to free the Earth from the destructive breath of Aspid, which came from Chaos to the world. Her courage cost her life because she had transformed herself into a wild river, which is now called the Northern Dvina. Bringing her streams of Aguidel to the White Sea, she reflects her beauty in every drop. Honoring the Goddess Aguidel among the Slavs was like the Power of Life-Giving.
To get this diploma it is necessary, starting from 08.08.2020, to carry out 270 QSO with amateur radio stations of the world, any kind of radiation, on any range, without repeats, and without time limitations. QSO with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign, repeat is allowed only with members of R-YL-C on EVERY NEW DATE. R-YL-C members need 288 QSOs to get their diplomas.
27. Beregina
Beregina is an ancient Slavic goddess. Her name was given to women who protect the family hearth, the ritual fire. There is also the version that it is a compiled image of a woman’s power aimed at helping those who live by the laws of the Rule… Her image is an allegory of feminine origin, helping true Slavs to resist the origins of the Navi world and protect all life from the manifestation of evil forces. She is also considered the ancestor of life on Earth. And according to legends, she is called the creator of not only plants but also the other spirits. She also gave people countless deposits of minerals.
To get this diploma it is necessary, starting from 08.08.2020, to conduct 280 QSO with amateur radio stations of the world, any kind of radiation, on any range, without repeats, and without time limitations. QSO with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign, repeat is allowed only with members of R-YL-C on EVERY NEW DATE. R-YL-C members need 288 QSOs to get their diplomas.
28. Sva-Slava
Mother Slava is the Great Mother of Glory, goddess of Victory, patroness of the Russian land, ancestor of all Russian Sorts. Her name speaks for itself: in translation from Indo-Aryan “pwa” means “all”, “all-encompassing”, “universal”, like “Svarog”, which is a universal god. Often Svarog is in the image of the bird Gamayun and gives us predictions and prophecies to the Russian Land and the Russian Sort.
To get this diploma it is necessary, starting from 08.08.2020, to carry out 290 QSO with amateur radio stations of the world, any kind of radiation, on any range, without repeats, and without time limitations. QSO with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign, repeat is allowed only with members of R-YL-C on EVERY NEW DATE. R-YL-C members need 288 QSOs to get their diplomas.
29. Sirin
Syrin is a bird of paradise with the head of a maiden in Old Russian art and legends. It is often depicted together with another bird of paradise, the Alconost, but the head of Cyrin is sometimes uncovered, and around it is a halo. SIRIN is a dark bird, a dark force, an envoy of the lord of the underworld. From head to waist Cyrine is a woman of incomparable beauty, from waist to waist – a bird. The birds themselves are not evil, but very indifferent, represent sadness. Not every man can see Sirin, for this bird flies away as fast as glory and luck.
To get this diploma it is necessary, starting from 08.08.2020, to spend 300 QSO with amateur radio stations of the world, any kind of radiation, on any range, without repeats, and without time limitations. QSOs with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign, repeat is allowed only with members of R-YL-C on EVERY NEW DATE. R-YL-C members need 288 QSOs to get their diplomas.
30. Svatobor
The Sacred God of the Forest. This is one of the gods of the ancient Slavic pagans, who was in charge of forests and forest land. Sons of Svyatobor and true assistants in wood affairs are Turosik, Stukach, Svida, and Pahm. The name Svyatobor or Svyatibor tells us that the place of the ruling of this deity is boron or forest. In the forest, he is the master and full ruler. He decides the life and destiny of the people of the forest by maintaining harmony in nature. He is born Mother Earth and his face is the image of nature itself.
To get this diploma it is necessary, starting from 08.08.2020, to conduct 310 QSO with amateur radio stations of the world, any kind of radiation, on any range, without repeats, and without time limitations. QSO with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign, repeat is allowed only with members of R-YL-C on EVERY NEW DATE. R-YL-C members need 288 QSOs to get their diplomas.
31. Ramchat
GOD RAMCHAT (Pa, Ras, Brama, Ramh, Rama) is the Great God of just Heavenly Judgment and Universal Law Order. He is the Heavenly Judge, who makes sure that the Peoples of the Great Race and the descendants of the Heavenly Sort do not violate the blood commandments and laws of RITA (i.e. the Heavenly Laws on the purity of the Sort and the Blood), as well as any prohibited, bloody sacrifices, not to mention human sacrifices. He belonged to the supreme gods, and could not be otherwise, for he watches not only men but also gods. Ramchat has the right to allow or not to allow in the heavenly kingdom. This is a great judge who was distinguished for his extraordinary wisdom.
To get this diploma it is necessary, starting from 08.08.2020, to carry out 320 QSO with amateur radio stations of the world, any kind of radiation, on any range, without repeats, and without time limitations. QSO with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign, repeat is allowed only with members of R-YL-C on EVERY NEW DATE. R-YL-C members need 288 QSOs to get their diplomas.
32. Baba-Yaga
Baba Yaga (Baba Yaga, Yaga, Yaga Vievna) is a dark sorceress from ancient Slavic mythology, daughter of Viya, wife of Veles. Many fairy tales written in those times when our ancestors had already lost the original meaning of the mythological images of antiquity show Baba-Yaga in the form of an old terrible woman who lives in the hut on the very border of the Dark Forest. And it was only the great Veles who managed to defeat the Yaga. Over time, the image of the goddess, who actually became the lord of the Upper Underground Kingdom, has undergone significant changes. Baba-Yaga is indeed the guardian of the border between Yava and Naveya, only she is not an old woman stealing children. Baba-Yaga is a young beauty with braids up to her heels, a skilled and invincible warrior. The Slavs considered Yaginya not only the guardian of the transition to the Other World, but also the patron saint of forest birds and animals, and in addition, the keeper of the hearth, as attributes such as stupa and pomol. For love to children and especially to orphans she was called Mother Yagina, and by her beauty and article, Yagina was not inferior to goddesses Lada and Lelya.
To get this diploma it is necessary, starting from 08.08.2020, to carry out 330 QSO with amateur radio stations of the world, any kind of radiation, on any range, without repeats, and without time limitations. QSO with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign, repeat is allowed only with members of R-YL-C on EVERY NEW DATE. R-YL-C members need 288 QSOs to get their diplomas.
33. Leshiy
Leshiy is the master of the forest in the mythology of the Eastern Slavs. Leshiy was one of the most popular Slavic mythological characters. He is one of the most famous creatures in the mythology of the ancient Slavs. Nobody remembers many of them, but everyone knows Leshiy. The attitude to him was ambiguous. Often he was considered hostile to man, called “unclean force”, but at the same time, the real evil he was not considered, he may appear in different guises. Most often he was represented as a shaggy old man who, unlike people, has no shadow; small, bearded, fast, and cunning. Live foresters on dense trees or in hollows of dry trees. In the forest, this spirit may grow above the trees, and when it comes out into the clearing, it becomes below the grass. The foresters sing and whisper, but their voice cannot be heard.
To get this diploma it is necessary, starting from 08.08.2020, to carry out 340 QSO with amateur radio stations of the world, any kind of radiation, on any range, without repeats, and without time limitations. QSO with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign, repeat is allowed only with members of R-YL-C on EVERY NEW DATE. R-YL-C members need 288 QSOs to get their diplomas.
34. Domovoy
The house is a good spirit, the keeper of the house, and everything that is in it. The house looks like a small old man (20-30 cm tall) with a big beard. It is believed that the older the house is, the younger it looks, as they are born old and die babies. The house god Veles patronizes the spirits, from whom several abilities, such as the ability to predict the future, but the main thing, of course, is wisdom and ability to heal people and animals. The house inhabits almost every house, choosing to live in a secluded place. It can be harmful and shallowness, if he does not like. All house spirits (Yard, Wine, Bath, etc.) serve him, and if you do not get along with the house, he will not live. providing a normal family life, the health of people and animals, fertility. He differs from demons in that he does not do evil, but only jokes sometimes even provides services if he loves the owner or hostess. Before his death, someone from the family howls, sometimes even shows himself to someone, knocks, slams the doors.
To get this diploma it is necessary, starting from 08.08.2020, to spend 350 QSOs with amateur radio stations of the world, any kind of radiation, on any range, without repeats, and without time limitations. QSOs with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign, repeat is allowed only with members of R-YL-C on EVERY NEW DATE. R-YL-C members need 288 QSOs to get their diplomas.
35. Kikimora
Kikimora (kikimara, shishimara, dusk, mara, etc.) – mainly a negative character in Slavic mythology, one of the types of Domovoy. Kikimoras are of different origins: they are babies who died unbaptized, stillborn, premature infants, miscarriages, ugly people without arms and legs. children from a vicious connection with a fire snake; children cursed by their parents and therefore stolen or exchanged by unclean power. Kikimors are usually settled indoors if the corpse of a child hanged or unsung is buried underneath them, also in the house where the child died for some reason. She was considered to be the wife of the housekeeper. Unlike the good keeper of the house, the settlement of Kikimora in the house does not bode well.
To get this diploma it is necessary, starting from 08.08.2020, to conduct 360 QSO with amateur radio stations of the world, any kind of radiation, on any range, without repeating and without time limitation. QSOs with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign, repeat is allowed only with members of R-YL-C on EVERY NEW DATE. R-YL-C members need 288 QSOs to get their diplomas.
36. Vodyanoy
Vodyanoy – in Slavic mythology the spirit that dwells in water is the master of waters. The grandfather of water in Slavic mythology is the real lord of the river or lake bottom. He has his own farm, cattle, consisting of fish and water birds, and his subjects are mermaids and other residents. Although he is not too evil with water, he will not miss the chance to lure careless swimmers to the bottom to entertain him there. That’s why in the mythology of Slavs water is not considered a positive character. His image embodies the very element of water: dangerous, unpredictable.
To get this diploma it is necessary, starting from 08.08.2020, to carry out 370 QSO with amateur radio stations of the world, any kind of radiation, on any range, without repeats, and without time limitations. QSO with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign, repeat is allowed only with members of R-YL-C on EVERY NEW DATE. R-YL-C members need 288 QSOs to get their diplomas.
37. Rusalka
A mermaid is an unusual mythical creature with a human body, fishtail instead of legs, white skin, and a charming voice. But such an image appeared only in the spirit of Western culture. In Slavic mythology mermaids had legs, and outwardly they differed little from ordinary people. They were considered to be guardians of fields, forests, and waters. Represented either as small or as young girls with loose hair and pale skin. There are many versions of the origin of the word mermaid: it either comes from the word dew (as a place of residence mermaid preferred any water bodies, but most of all – river beds), or comes from the word dew (mermaids had hair of a streamer color), or the word dew (it mermaids washed).
To get this diploma it is necessary, starting from 08.08.2020, to conduct 380 QSO with amateur radio stations of the world, any kind of radiation, on any range, without repeating and without time limitation. QSO with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign, repeat is allowed only with members of R-YL-C on EVERY NEW DATE. R-YL-C members need 288 QSOs to get their diplomas.
38. Bannik
Bannik is the inhabitant and custodian of the bathhouse. Lives behind a sauna heater or under a shelf; usually invisible. People are usually shown as an old man with iridescent (multi-colored) eyes, covered with leaves from brooms and a long beard. Can take the form of an animal – a cat, a dog, a hare, and other furry creatures. Bannik lives in a bathhouse, washes there, and brings order. He keeps good steam and warms up the baths when the owners hover. … Bannik harms those who poorly follow the bathhouse and leave it dirty, who come to it because of their laziness late, after sunset or wash at night. Then he frightens those who come in all sorts of ways. He really doesn’t like it when people in the bath fight or scream.
To get this diploma it is necessary, starting from 08.08.2020, to carry out 390 QSO with amateur radio stations of the world, any kind of radiation, on any range, without repeats, and without time limitations. QSO with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign, repeat is allowed only with members of R-YL-C on EVERY NEW DATE. R-YL-C members need 288 QSOs to get their diplomas.
39. Ovinnik
An Ovinnik or Humennik is a spirit that lives in Ovinnik and Humen. Avalanche is a farm building where sheaves are dried before threshing. Humnock – a place intended for threshing, winds, and storage of grain. Avinnik looks like a huge black cat, the size of a yard dog, with eyes burning like coals. However, it can have other appearance: depending on the geographical location: in the Smolensk region, an Ovinnik is shown in the guise of a ram. Ovinnik is, nevertheless, one of the “house” spirits, though the most ferocious, and its main function is to manage the “area of responsibility”, that is, the thunder. He looks after the orders of laying sheaves, how, and when to flood an Ovinnik. He makes sure that bread is not dried in strong winds. The Beanleader does not allow to sink wool also on the cherished days – big holidays, especially on Vozdvizhenie’s Day and the Cover: according to ancient village traditions, wool should rest on these days. In case a peasant violates these centuries-old laws, the consequences can be the saddest: up to the death of the “culprit”. However, an Ovinnik loves to be wicked for no reason at all. If he succeeds in harming men, he laughs, claps his hands, or barks like a dog.
To get this diploma it is necessary, starting from 08.08.2020, to spend 400 QSOs with amateur radio stations of the world, any kind of radiation, on any range, without repeats, and without time limitations. QSOs with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign, repeat is allowed only with members of R-YL-C on EVERY NEW DATE. R-YL-C members need 288 QSOs to get their diplomas.
Gods of the world: Navi
40. Chornobog
Chornobog has a special place in Slavic mythology. He opposes the good and the light but is not considered an absolute evil. Chernobogod is a twin brother of the White God, the God of Creation, and the White Light. After the creation of the world, the Sort has endowed it not an easy task to resist light and kindness. Chernogod occupies an important place in maintaining the harmony of the world and stands at the source of creating the visible world and giving it essence. Chernogodd represents destructive power and human vice. According to legend, this deity had no mother or father.
To get this diploma it is necessary, starting from 08.08.2020, to conduct 410 QSO with amateur radio stations of the world, any kind of radiation, on any range, without repeats, and without time limitations. QSO with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign, repeat is allowed only with members of R-YL-C on EVERY NEW DATE. R-YL-C members need 388 QSOs to get their diplomas.
41. Koschey
Koschey is the son of Mother Earth and God Wiya, the lord of the underground kingdom, the dark dungeons. Koschei rules death and is the God of Navi. A fierce opponent of Dazhd god. He often appears before men as a grey rider in a sparkling silver ring and with a huge sword, on a magic horse. In spite of his terrible appearance, he has acquired a legal wife, Marae-Marena.
To get this diploma it is necessary, starting from 08.08.2020, to carry out 420 QSO with amateur radio stations of the world, any kind of radiation, on any range, without repeats, and without time limitations. QSO with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign, repeat is allowed only with members of R-YL-C on EVERY NEW DATE. R-YL-C members need 388 QSOs to get their diplomas.
42. Morena
Mara Morena- was the goddess of death, fertility, and the daughter of Lada. She was neither a wicked nor a good goddess, and she gave death and life. Mara sent out her messengers, who were copies of people to be warned or warned of imminent death. In mythology, she appears as a tall, beautiful girl with black hair and black eyes, light skin, and red clothes. She stands on guard of the worlds of Javi and Navi, meets the souls of the dead on the pottery bridge by the river current. The goddess Mara is strict and principled among the Slavs, she does not forgive treason, who turned to her for help and did not keep his word will be punished. The goddess of death and the winter cold is the patroness of magic and magic.
To get this diploma it is necessary, starting from 08.08.2020, to carry out 430 QSO with amateur radio stations of the world, any kind of radiation, on any range, without repeats, and without time limitations. QSOs with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign, repeat is allowed only with members of R-YL-C on EVERY NEW DATE. R-YL-C members need 388 QSOs to get their diplomas.
43. Trojan
The trojan is the God of Knakharstvo and Travel. The trojan is revered as a God who can help find unexpected solutions. In his character, some features of Veles, the God of the Three Worlds, appeared, because, according to Slavic myths, Veles is the father of Trojan. Trojan was born a man, though a son of God. Trojan, who showed interest in the doctrine, was given to the disciples of Kitovras, the God of Wisdom, and was made the God of Znakharstvo and Travel. Since then, Trojan has helped to extend people’s lives. The symbol of God Trojan is called the Healer.
To get this diploma it is necessary, starting from 08.08.2020, to carry out 440 QSO with amateur radio stations of the world, any kind of radiation, on any range, without repeats, and without time limitations. QSO with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign, repeat is allowed only with members of R-YL-C on EVERY NEW DATE. R-YL-C members need 388 QSOs to get their diplomas.
44. Pereplut
The Pereplut is the God of the sea and of the sailors. The Pereplut was created to protect people from marine misfortunes, to save them from perdition in the water. The waterways also obey it. Which way you choose to go, you decide with the help of the God of the Pereplut. He was also considered to be the god of seeds and shoots, and this is not by chance, because the roots of plants are also intertwined and looking for the right way, and the work of the Cross is to put them on the right path.
To get this diploma it is necessary, starting from 08.08.2020, to spend 450 QSO with amateur radio stations of the world, any kind of radiation, on any range, without repeats, and without time limitations. QSOs with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign, repeat is allowed only with members of R-YL-C on EVERY NEW DATE. R-YL-C members need 388 QSOs to get their diplomas.
45. Kostroma
Kostroma – sister and wife of Kupaila, daughter of Simargl and Kupalnitsa. She is revered as the goddess of fertility, harvest, summer, and the sun, the patroness of lovers. She was a natural embodiment of Water, a creative female primary energy. The image of Kostroma in the cultural and mythological worldview of the ancient Slavs was almost inseparable from the image of Kupala (Kupaila), her half-brother. In the Slavic myths, it is told, that once, when Kostoma and Kupala were still little, they ran to a pure pole to listen to the death bird Sirin and there was a misfortune. The bird Sirin took Kupala to the Dark Kingdom. From grief, Kostroma drowned herself and became a mermaid or a mausoleum. But the gods decided to have mercy on their brother and sister and turned them into a flower that we now know as Ivan da Marja.
To get this diploma it is necessary, starting from 08.08.2020, to carry out 460 QSO with amateur radio stations of the world, any kind of radiation, on any range, without repeats, and without time limitations. QSO with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign, repeat is allowed only with members of R-YL-C on EVERY NEW DATE. R-YL-C members need 388 QSOs to get their diplomas.
46. Kolyada
The Kolyada is the God of the Winter Sun of the Slavs. Festival dedicated to the Kolyada, met on the Winter Solstice. Carolina is the God of the Young Sun, the God of the Winter Sun, born on the night of the winter solstice, the longest night of the year. The Kolyada saw its purpose in bringing the light of knowledge to people. The young God gave people a calendar, walked on Javi, explaining how to use it. This is a very revered, strong Slavic God.
To get this diploma it is necessary, starting from 08.08.2020, to carry out 470 QSO with amateur radio stations of the world, any kind of radiation, on any range, without repeats, and without time limitations. QSO with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign, repeat is allowed only with members of R-YL-C on EVERY NEW DATE. R-YL-C members need 388 QSOs to get their diplomas.
47. Viy
Viy is the son of the Black God and the goat Seduni. Lord of the baking kingdom, king of the underworld (Navi, the Underworld), lord of torment. The embodiment of those terrible punishments that await after the death of all villains, thieves, traitors, murderers, and scoundrels, in other words, all those who lived unjustly and violated the laws of Javi and the Rule. All of them are eagerly awaited by the just and incorruptible Judge Vius. Vius, the king of the underworld, brother of Vius, is killing. His eyes are usually covered with huge eyelids and eyelashes that he himself cannot lift…
To get this diploma it is necessary, starting from 08.08.2020, to conduct 480 QSO with amateur radio stations of the world, any kind of radiation, on any range, without repeats, and without time limitations. QSO with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign, repeat is allowed only with members of R-YL-C on EVERY NEW DATE. R-YL-C members need 388 QSOs to get their diplomas.
48. Devana
Devana is the goddess of hunting, wife of forest god Svyatobor, and daughter of Perun. The Slavs represented the goddess in the form of a beautiful girl dressed in an outfitted kunya coat. Beautiful goddess not only hunted forest animals: she herself taught them how to avoid dangers and to endure harsh winters. Devana was a hunter, but not a warrior, she did not recognize thoughtless bloodshed. Hunters worshipped her and always brought her meat and skins before hunting. Usually, the goddess’s temples were set up in caves. There was a belief that Devana hunted only at night, so such treasures-caves served as her bed and rest.
To get this diploma it is necessary, starting from 08.08.2020, to carry out 490 QSO with amateur radio stations of the world, any kind of radiation, on any range, without repeats, and without time limitations. QSO with women R-YL-C go bonus and replace the new missing callsign, repeat is allowed only with members of R-YL-C on EVERY NEW DATE. R-YL-C members need 388 QSOs to get their diplomas.
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