Russian Amateur Radio Expedition to Malawi, 7Q7RU

Despite the difficult time for travel and a lot of restrictions, we are pleased to announce the expedition of our team to the African Republic of Malawi, 7Q7RU. Alas, many for objective reasons will not be able to participate in the expedition this time, and we will represent the team with a very modest composition: Vasily – R7AL, Alexey – RZ3K, Vasily – RA1ZZZ.
It is planned to work 24 hours a day on the air from several CW, SSB, and FT8 workstations on all TV bands, focusing on 160 and 80m.
It is planned to use the following equipment:
- Elecraft K-3 + homemade PA 1 KW
- Elecraft K-3 + PA Ten-Tec titan 1 KW
- ICOM IC-7000 + PA EB-1200 1 KW
- Elecraft K-2
And antennas:
- GP 24m DL2KQ on 160m
- GP 18m DL2KQ on 80m
- Beverage for the reception at 160, 80m
- Hex beam at 20, 15, 10m
- Multi-range 40-10m Vertical
- Dipole at 80m
- VDA on 15m
- 3 el. VDA on17m
- 2 el. GP on 40m
CallSign: 7Q7RU
DXCC entry: Malawi (7Q)
QTH: nr Embangweni
ITU zone: 57
CQ zone: 37
Coordinates: 12° 08′ 17” S 33° 28‘ 28” E
GRID square: KH67ru
Expedition plan:
We will be glad to hear all of you on the bands and thank you in advance for your support!
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