October 10 – the main youth start of the season in radio communications on short waves

This Saturday, October 10, 2020, the Russian championship in radiosport will take place. This is the usual four-hour test on the bands of 40 and 20 meters with half an hour tours, starting at 07:00 UTC.
At the same time, there is a student competition SRR for young people, whose age does not exceed 25 years.
This year, due to the restrictions imposed, the championship of Russia is held not as usual – in early April, but in early October – in the terms of the traditional Youth Popov Cup. However, the name of the competition “Popov Cup” has been preserved. The status has changed: now the “Popov Cup” has become the championship of Russia.
The competition is held for many years, has an official status, and with it the possibility of sportsmen to fulfill the standards of sports categories. The winners of the competition are awarded the official medals of the Ministry of Sport of Russia. All participants who entered the offset, get electronic diplomas for the occupied places.
The sports competition is held in eight rounds, lasting 30 minutes each. Repeated radio communications are allowed in different rounds, and in one round on different bands. The maximum number of transitions from band to band for radio stations with two or three participants during the whole sports competition is 30. No points shall be awarded to radio stations with two or three participants after the thirty-first transition.
- modulation type: SSB
- ranges: 7 MHz, 14 MHz
- Recommended sites for radio communications between sports competitors: 7060-7150 kHz (radio communications in the area 7040-7060 kHz are strictly prohibited), 14120-14180 kHz
Control numbers consist of five digits. The first two digits – the age of the operator in the form of the program SINGLE-OP, or the age of the most senior radio station participant with two or three participants in the form of the program MULTI-OR. The age of the participant is defined as a number equal to the difference between the year of the competition and the year of birth of the participant.
The last three digits of the control number – the serial number of the connection, starting with 001. “The “QSY Rule” is not valid.
The rules of the competition are approved and published.
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