3200km opening on 144 MHz in Australia – 15th Dec 2020

During an extensive Sporadic-E opening in Australia on the 15th of December 2020, WSPR signals from John VK2IJM and David VK2DVM in Sydney were heard by Peter VK6KXW near Perth in Western Australia.
2020-12-15 10:36 VK2DVM 144.490519 -25 0 QF56og 10 VK6KXW OF87jr 3199 263 2
2020-12-15 10:16 VK2IJM 144.490507 -8 0 QF56ni 10 VK6KXW OF87jr 3192 263 2
The path was in the region of 3200 km which is way beyond the usual 2300km or so the one-hop distance from Sporadic-E. It seems likely that on this occasion, the most likely propagation mode was double-hop Sporadic-E which is very rare at 144 MHz.
It looks as if just one WSPR transmission from each of the VK2 stations was decoded at 10:16 and 10:36 UTC. This was about an hour after sunset in Sydney which is 11 hours ahead of UTC.
2020-12-15 10:56 VK6CPU 144.490510 -24 3 OF78wb 5 VK5AYD PF97ja 2149 99 2
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