40 MHz reception report from IU1DZZ in Italy – 10th to 13th February 2023
Gianfranco, IU1DZZ in the NW of Italy (JN45HK) sends on a short report about the FT8 signals that he heard on 40.680 MHz from the 10th to the 13th of February 2023.
230211_102730 40.680 Rx FT8 -17 0.3 1520 CQ G9PUV JO00
230212_104845 40.680 Rx FT8 -19 0.7 1642 CQ EI2IP IO52
230212_111530 40.680 Rx FT8 -19 0.5 856 CQ ON5QRP JN29
230212_113315 40.680 Rx FT8 -20 0.5 960 CQ VK ZS6OB KG44
230212_114245 40.680 Rx FT8 -22 0.6 1481 CQ ZS6WAB KG46
230212_114315 40.680 Rx FT8 -16 0.6 1641 9A5CY ZS6OB RRR
230213_140915 40.680 Rx FT8 -14 0.6 796 CQ WM2XEJ EM83
230212_104845 40.680 Rx FT8 -19 0.7 1642 CQ EI2IP IO52
230212_111530 40.680 Rx FT8 -19 0.5 856 CQ ON5QRP JN29
230212_113315 40.680 Rx FT8 -20 0.5 960 CQ VK ZS6OB KG44
230212_114245 40.680 Rx FT8 -22 0.6 1481 CQ ZS6WAB KG46
230212_114315 40.680 Rx FT8 -16 0.6 1641 9A5CY ZS6OB RRR
230213_140915 40.680 Rx FT8 -14 0.6 796 CQ WM2XEJ EM83
IU1DZZ was using a Flex 1500 with a multiband dipole in the attic at 15m above ground level.
Grazie Gianfranco de John, EI7GL