7th Russian WW Digital Contest October 3-4, 2020

We invite fans of digital communications, masters of the air and making the first steps in amateur radio to take part in the seventh Russian WW Digital Contest, which traditionally takes place in mods BPSK63, RTTY and will be held from 12:00 UTC Saturday, October 3 to 11:59 UTC Sunday, October 4, 2020, on the bands 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters. There are nine subgroups of your choice with separate continental rankings among Russian and foreign participants, including two youth subgroups.
RUS-WW-DIGI 2020 participants will receive four types of certificates: winners, awardees, participants for the places taken on the continents, as well as an additional certificate for Russian contestants for the places taken in the federal districts. For the reception of certificates, it is necessary to spend not less than 30 CFM QSO, i.e. radio communications confirmed by jury. Each young member of teams in two MULTI-ONE subgroups, whose age at the time of the contest is under 20 years old, will be awarded a personal certificate, for this purpose in the report must specify the name, surname, and date of birth. The certificates will be available for independent download on the website AWARDS CENTER OF RDRC.
Reports are accepted only 5 days until 23:59 UTC October 9. Downloading reports on ua9qcq.com or by email rusww(at)rdrclub.ru
We wish you success in RUS-WW-DIGI 2020!
The position of the contest and samples of certificates are published on the website of the Russian Digital Amateur Radio Club.
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