Anan 7000DLE II Review

- The ANAN-7000DLE MKII monoblock SDR transceiver incorporates an Intel 8th Generation i5/i7 core computer, the SDR client software is preloaded and calibrated making the unit completely Plug & Play!
- Unlike other Software Defined Radios which incorporate embedded processing with limited capabilities and no upgrade path, the ANAN-7000DLE MKII uses a powerful Intel 8th Generation Quad core SoC and Windows 10, this allows for digital transmission such as FT8 and others out of the box.
- Using Direct Down Conversion with an ultra low phase noise clock yields an RMDR of 116dB @ 2Khz separation, this means that close in weak signals will not be masked by the receiver’s phase noise.
- The transmitter specifications are also off the chart, use of a new 16bit DAC with an ultra low noise clock source results in transmit phase noise better than any other product available in the market.
- Use of LDMOS drivers and an optimized final Amplifier stage with adaptive Predistortion Algorithm (PureSignal) yields transmit IMD of -68db @ 100W PEP, this is at least 20dB better than any Class A transmitter and over 30dB better than the competition.
- Use of two 16bit phase synchronous ADCs allow for advanced applications such as Diversity reception for ultimate noise mitigation and effects of signal fading.
Other Improvements:
- Integrated i5/i7 Windows 10 computer with SDR client preloaded and calibrated at the factory making the radio completely plug and play. (NO EXTERNAL PC Required)
- Capable of driving three full HD monitors, ideal for digital modes.
- Stainless steel chassis and large aluminium heatsink for excellent thermal dissipation and Rx/Tx isolation.
- PA board improvements for higher duty cycle, 100% ICAS duty cycle supported.
- Tx Signal generation redesigned to improve SNR at low power levels.
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