ARRL Foundation Scholarship Program Now Accepting Applications
Applications for the 2021 ARRL Foundation Scholarship Program will be accepted between October 1 and December 31, 2020. All applicants must be FCC-licensed radio amateurs, and many scholarships have other specific requirements, such as an intended area of study, residence within a particular ARRL Division, Section, or state, and license class.
Applicants should review the scholarship descriptions and check off the ones for which they are eligible. If you complete an online application, you must also email a PDF of academic transcripts from your most recently completed school year by January 11, 2021. Some scholarships require additional documents to be submitted (e.g., letter of recommendation from an officer of an ARRL-affiliated club). Applications not accompanied by transcripts and additional documents, where applicable, will not be considered.
The ARRL Foundation Scholarship Committee will review all applicants for eligibility and award decisions. Scholarship recipients will be notified in May 2021 via USPS mail and email. For more information, visit the ARRL Foundation Scholarship Program page.
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