ARRL Logbook of The World Harmonizes Designation of FST4 Protocol

The Logbook of The World (LoTW) Committee worked with WSJT-X developer Joe Taylor, K1JT, to harmonize the designation of FST4 among WSJT-X, the ADIF standard, and LoTW. At present, FST4 is only supported in a recently released beta version of WSJT-X. The committee’s action was to avoid the sort of confusion that cropped up among LoTW users logging contacts in FT4 when that protocol was first included in WSJT-X. In the case of FST4, the committee acted proactively to help users avoid difficulties and obtain the maximum number of contact matches. The ADIF standard has been updated to support FST4 as a sub-mode of MFSK, and configuration file CONFIG.xml for LoTW has been updated to version 11.13, accordingly, to support FST4. Users will be offered the update when they run TQSL.
Again, FST4 is only available in WSJT-X. An ADIF file emitted by WSJT-X should properly identify FST4, so that contacts will upload smoothly into LoTW, provided the CONFIG file has been updated. — Thanks to Greg Widin, K0GW
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