ARRL Technical Service Award Conferred
The ARRL Board of Directors has named James W. Brown, K9YC, of Santa Cruz, California as the recipient of the 2020 ARRL Technical Service Award. The Board cited Brown’s frequent contributions to — and presentations at — amateur radio forums at conventions including Dayton Hamvention®, Pacificon, and the International DX and Contesting Convention in Visalia, California.
He also has collaborated with the ARRL Lab, contributed to various ARRL publications, including The ARRL Handbook, The ARRL Antenna Book, and others, and shared his technical and educational expertise in the fields of audio engineering, RFI, and other aspects of electronics and engineering. Brown shares his knowledge and expertise with the amateur radio community via his informational website.
The Board said, “Brown continues to provide his expertise as a means of ‘giving back’ to the amateur community, in the spirit of the amateurs that worked with him when he was first licensed at the age of 13.
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