SCU-LAN10 with FTdx101 / FTdx10 Overview Source
Smoother FT8 Mode Operation with Constantly Evolving Firmware (IC-705/IC-7300/IC-9700)
Firmware update for the IC-705, IC-7300, and IC-9700* offers smoother FT8 operation. One-touch FT8 mode preset, Scroll mode, and other...
WSJT-X 2.4.0 Introduces New Digital Protocol Q65
WSJT-X version 2.4.0 has introduced a new digital protocol called Q65, which is designed for “minimal two-way QSOs over especially difficult...
JTDX Digital Mode Software now supports 8-meter operation
JTDX has modified WSJT-X software that many radio amateurs use for the JT9, JT65, FT4, and FT8 digital modes. In...
Ham radio and Linux – Stop your radio from automatically becoming the default audio device.
A simple change to make, it saves me time manually setting my default back to the computer every time I...
Hosting HamNation & FreeDV Digital Voice Over HF! Source