Coronavirus in the UK: Meet the child radio enthusiast making friends thousands of miles away during the lockdown

William, 10, has been discovering the joy of chatting with people across the world over radio waves – and he’s far from the only one
In the age of instant messaging, Facebook, Instagram, and Zoom, you’d think radio hams would have had their day. But lockdown has seen a resurgence in people taking to their garden sheds or spare rooms to try and raise strangers in far off lands over the quaint old-school technology of radio waves.
Interest in amateur radio (also known as ham radio) is booming across the UK, as hundreds of new enthusiasts discover the joy of transmitting signals over specially allocated frequency bands to make new friendships and even communicate with satellites.
The Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB) has helped 1,500 new starters take their first steps into amateur radio by passing foundation exams in the past four months, while broadcast regular Ofcom granted 505 Foundation licenses in July alone (compared to 144 the previous July)….READ FULL ARTICLE
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