CUSHCRAFT SR-5 – 5-BD, 9EL, 10/12/15/17/20 M, 5KW

The SR-5 – A 9 element multi-Band HF 5 Band Super-compact Yagi covering 20m/17m/15m/12m/10m bands with a single feed point
The SR-5 has been reduced by more than 30% in length while giving the same performance, 5 HF bands consisting of 20/17/15/12/10. The SR-5 comes with a capacity loaded 20m element Option and reduced turning radius too!
Band Performance
20m Band
- Gain: 5.95dBi
- F/B: 11.79dB
- SWR coverage: Better than 1.4:1 from 14-14.35Mhz without an ATU or re-tuning
- 2 active elements
17m Band
- Gain: 6.40dBi
- F/B: 11.67dB
- SWR coverage: Better than 2:1 from 18.06-18.180Mhz without an ATU
- 2 active elements
15m Band
- Gain: 6.37dBi
- F/B: 13.69dB
- SWR coverage: Better than 2:1 from 21-21.35Mhz without an ATU
- 2 active elements
12m Band
- Gain: 5.45dBi
- F/B: 10dB
- SWR coverage: Better than 1.3:1 from 24.88-25Mhz without an ATU
- 1+ active elements
10m Band
- Gain: 6.72dBi
- F/B: 20.1dB
- SWR coverage: Better than 1.5:1 from 28-28.55Mhz without an ATU or re-tuning 1.9:1 SWR up to
- 28.7Mhz
- 2+ active elements
- Power Rating: 5kw
- Boom Length: 3.5 Metres
- Weight: 28Kg
- Turning Radius: 5.99 Metres
- Wind Loading: 1.2 Square Metres
- Wind Survival: up to 200KPH / 124MPH
- Other options available if higher wind loading/survival is required.
- Stacking Distance: 7 – 12m ( 11m recommended)
The boom is made from 45mm diameter square tube with a wall thickness of 3.2mm and thus is super rigid. The largest diameter elements are the 20m £1,241.15
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