December is YOTA Month

The month of December has been designated as YOTA month. The annual initiative sponsored by Youngsters on the Air (YOTA) initially focused on International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Region 1 (Europe, the Mideast, and Africa), with young radio amateurs taking to the air with YOTA-suffix call signs. YOTA (Youth on the Air) in Region 2 (the Americas) is following step, and K8Y, K8O, K8T, and K8A will be on the air from the US.
The overarching idea is to demonstrate amateur radio to youth to encourage them to get licensed and for younger radio amateurs to get active on the ham bands.
YOTA-suffix stations have been on the air from the annual summer camp and other subregional camps in Region 1, but the COVID-19 pandemic sidelined those gatherings in 2020.
All radio amateurs can support this effort by contacting participating stations. An awards program is available. During YOTA month 2019, 47 participating YOTA stations racked up nearly 130,000 contacts. Follow YOTA via Twitter: @hamyota and @hamyota_official. All young radio amateurs (up to age 26) are encouraged to participate. Direct questions via email to
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