Frosty Red Nose

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Dear Friends!
We invite you to participate in the annual contest game “Moroz the Red Nose!” this Saturday 21.01.2020 from 03:00 to 06:59 UTC and from 07:00 to 11:00 UTC.
The rules of the game can be found at:
Past results can be found at:
The “Frost – Red Nose” game has long been beloved by many radio amateurs all world. Every year in the winter, enthusiastic shortwave amateurs go out into the field and get a lot of positive emotions and positivity from working on the air. Participation in the game not only allows you to test yourself and your equipment in conditions close to the extreme, but it is also a chance to quickly perform conditions of the “RU-QRP Club” and support fellow club members with their participation!
Welcome to the air on January 21, regardless of whether you will work from the field or home!
The Council of Club RU-QRP.
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