Good news from Austria and Germany ( DL and OE )

Thanks to the constant efforts on the part of the ÖVSV, the Austrian telecommunications authority has announced clearance for the 630 m band and for the 60 m band. The main provisions of the decree are:
The frequency ranges 472.0 — 479.0 kHz and 5351.3 — 5366.5 kHz are allocated for the amateur radio service on a secondary basis according to the Radio Regulations internationally and according to the FNV nationally for use with certain power restrictions to protect other radio services. Transmissions of the secondary radio service must not interfere with other radio services for which the frequency ranges are dedicated and are not themselves entitled to protection against interference.
Radio amateurs in license class 1 are permitted to use the frequency ranges 472.0 — 479.0 kHz and 5351.3 — 5366.5 kHz in compliance with the provisions and conditions shown in the FNV:
Frequency range: 472.0 — 479.0 kHz
Dedication of the frequency range: secondary
Maximum radiated power: 1 Watt EIRP
Max. The bandwidth of transmission: The provisions of the AFV shall apply mutatis mutandis.
Frequency range: 5351.3 — 5366.5 kHz
Dedication of the frequency range: secondary
Maximum radiated power: 15 watts EIRP
Max. Transmission bandwidth: The provisions of the AFV shall apply mutatis mutandis.
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