Ham Fair 2021

Regarding this year’s Ham Fair 2020, we have unavoidably canceled the prevention of the spread of the new coronavirus infection and ensuring the safety of everyone, but the date and venue of next year’s “Amateur Radio Festival 2021 (Ham Fair 2021)” Will be announced as it has been decided.

● Date: October 2nd (Sat) and October 3rd (Sun), 3rd year of Reiwa ● Venue
Tokyo Big Sight West Exhibition Hall 3 and 4 Hall
(3-11-1 Ariake, Koto-Ku, Tokyo)
Details Will be announced on JARL Web etc. as soon as it is decided.
We may ask for your cooperation in preventing infection with the new coronavirus infection and ensuring the safety of exhibitors and visitors.
In addition,
please note that we may postpone or cancel if it is difficult to ensure safety due to the spread of infection.
Yoshinori Takao, Chairman of Japan Amateur Radio League
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