Iceland: 1850 kHz authorization renewed
Iceland’s IRA received a positive response from the Post and Telecom Administration (PTA), December 4, to their request to renew the authorization to use 1850-1900 kHz in international contests in 2021 A translation of the IRA post reads: The authorization covers the following competitions: CQ WW 160 meter competition, CW, 29.-31.1.2021. ARRL International DX Competition, CW, 20.-21.2.2021. CQ WW 160 meter competition, SSB, 26.-28.2.2021. ARRL International DX competition, SSB, 6.-7.3.2021. CQ WW WPX competition, SSB, 27.-28.3.2021. CQ WW WPX competition, CW, 29.-30.5.2021. IARU HF World Championship, CW / SSB, 10.-11.7.20212. CQ WW DX competition, SSB, 30.-31.10.2021. CQ WW DX competition, CW, 27.- 28.11.2021. ARRL 160 meter competition, CW, 3.-5.12.2021. The authorization is granted with the full consent of the Maritime Watch Center, which has priority for the use of frequencies during this frequency range. This use is subject to the same requirements as applying to the frequency range 1810-1850 kHz in regulation, but the Post and Telecom Administration’s increased conditions are as follows: (a) The authorization is only granted during the specified international competitions (see above); (b) G licensees are authorized to use full power, up to 1kW. N-licensees enjoy the same frequency rights, but the power limit is based on a maximum of 10W. Licensees shall apply separately for authorization to the PTA at or as before. It is enough to send one application, which is valid for all 10 competitions. Board of IRA. Source IRA Via : |
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