Jamboree on the Air Takes Place this Weekend

Scouting’s Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) and concurrent Jamboree on the Internet (JOTI) will be held Friday, October 16, through Sunday, October 18. A new US JOTA-JOTI website has details. Participants can register as individuals or as a group on the World JOTA-JOTI website. The page includes a directory of all who have already registered.

“We would love to receive pictures and videos of you and your Scouts participating in the events this coming weekend,” said JOTA Coordinator Jim Wilson, K5ND. “Please be sure your group is following local guidelines regarding social gatherings in your pictures.” Photos may be posted on the International BSA Facebook page. Participants are asked to complete the feedback form after JOTA. Best practices and information on preparing an event report are on the K2BSA web page.
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