JT9 days of activity “run silent, run deep” from 22-23 August 2020

The club invites RCRC on JT9 days of activity “more haste, less speed” from 00:00 UTC on Saturday 22 August at 23:59 UTC on Sunday 23 August 2020 on HF bands from 160 to 10 meters. Repeated radio communications can be carried out on different bands. Occupied seats will be distributed according to the sum of the distances to correspondents. Obligatory condition of competition telecommunications is saving in the hardware log is taken of the locators.
We will draw prizes in three competitions:
• “Better to see once than hear a hundred times” – the winner will be awarded a pennant RCRC for the largest number of QSOs with correspondents, which are located at a distance of over 10,000 kilometers. In case of an equal number of QSOs have two or more participants, upon determination of the winner will be considered the sum of the distances, then the number of ranges on which of these QSOs.
• “As the call, so the echo” – in this competition, one pennant RCRC will be raffled off among participants with results more than 100,000 kilometers.
• “Better a little than nothing at all” – in this competition, one pennant RCRC will be raffled off among the participants who show the best results on each band.
Certificates are issued in the electronic form to all participants with the sum of the distances to correspondents over 50,000 miles and will be posted on the website AWARDS CENTER OF RDRC.
Records in adif format (.adi) send to email address 01-10(at)rdrclub.ru the deadline to 23:59 UTC 28 Aug 2020. The report file must be named by your Callsign (for example RK3DSW.adi). The letter must specify the name and surname as well as your locator.
We are waiting for you on August 22 and 23 in ranges for JT9!
Detailed regulation is published on the website of the Russian digital Amateur radio club.
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