NanoVNA V2 Plus4

4GHz second-generation NanoVNA vector network analyzer, our own design. The V2 Plus4 is the latest hardware version with a 4″ display, aluminum case, higher dynamic range, and 4 times the sweep speed of the original V2.
- up to 90dB dynamic range (1GHz), up to 80dB dynamic range (3GHz)
- 4″ display
- 4x faster sweep speed (400 points/s)
- 4GHz maximum measurement frequency
- 3200mAh battery included if DHL shipping is selected
- Accepts standard flat-top 18650 lithium-ion battery, includes onboard protection and charging
Package includes:
- VNA (with aluminum enclosure; fully assembled)
- 2 x 30cm SS405 cable
- SOLT calibration kit (SMA male)
- USB cable
- Touchscreen stylus

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